where d
ðhÞ is the mean of the squared difference at lag h . Further, choosing
fresh pairs of points for each h or h provides independent estimates for the
different lags.
As we saw in Chapter 2, simple random sampling is inefficient, and the precision
orefficiencycanbe improvedby betterdesign.BrusanddeGruijter(1994)elaborate
theprocedurefor stratified sampling andgive the formulae forthe estimatorand the
estimation variance. The formulae can be modified for other designs.
The estimation variance has still to be convert ed into confidence limits, and
for this one must assume a distribution. It is not immediately evident what that
distribution should be. One might expect the individual d
ðhÞ to be distributed
as x
. Their means, however, are likely to approach normality with increasing
mðhÞ in accordance with the cen tral limit theorem. Brus and de Gruijter
calculated limits on this assumption but found that it was not entirely
satisfactory for the fairly small mðhÞ in their study: they obta ined several
negative lower limits at the 90% level, suggesting that the confidence interval is
not symmetric, at least for the small samples they took. This contrasts with our
finding, with larger samples, that limits were approximately symmetrical.
Despite this weakness, the method proposed by Brus and de Gruijter gives sound
unbiased estimates of the sampling variance of gðhÞ, but large samples are needed
to obtain precise estimates. In addition, the sampling scheme with pairs of points
scatteredirregularly and unevenly is inefficient for subsequent kriging (Chapter 8).
Although the above approaches to the problem differ, both sho w that the
confidence intervals are very wide with small samples: you need a large sample
to estimate the variogram by Matheron’s method of moments reliably.
Pardo-Igu´zquiza (1998) suggested that ‘a few dozen data may suffice’ to
estimate variogram parameters by residual maximum likelihood (REML) because
of the efficiency of the method; see Section 9.2 for more detail. In this approach
the model parameters are estimated directly from the generalized increments of a
covariance matrix of the full data. As a consequence there is no smoothing of the
spatial structure because there is no ad hoc definition of lag classes. Kerry and
Oliver (2007c) compared variograms computed by the method of moments and
REML as described by Pardo-Igu´zquiza (1997) for various numbers of empirical
data. Their results show that where there are fewer than 100 data, but more than
50, the REML variograms gave more accurate predictions as assesed by cross-
validation (see Chapter 8) than did the method-of-moments variograms. Never-
theless, even with REML variograms the accuracy of prediction decreased when
there were fewer than 100 sites, and practitioners should still aim for at least 100
data for accurate predictions.
Practitioners might wonder why computing variograms by REML is not a
standard approach. There are several drawbacks to the method:
the nee d for second-order stationarity;
the very limited range of variogram functions that can be fitted by the
readily available software;
Reliability of the Experimental Variogram 125