Kriging provides a solution to the problem of estimation based on a continuous
model of stochastic spatial variation. It makes the best use of existing knowledge
by taking account of the way that a property varies in space through the
variogram model. In its original formulation a kriged estimate at a place was
simply a linear sum or weighted average of the data in its neighbourhood. Since
then kriging has been elaborated to tackle increasingly complex problems in
mining, petroleum engineering, pollution control and abatement, and public
health. The term is now generic, embracing several distinct kinds of kriging,
both linear and non-linear. In this chapter we deal with the simpler linear
methods, and in Chapter 11 we consider non-linear ones. In linear kriging the
estimates are weighted linear combinations of the data. The weig hts are
allocated to the sample data within the neighbourhood of the point or block
to be estimated in such a way as to minimize the estimation or kriging variance,
and the estimates are unbiased. Kriging is optimal in this sense.
8.1.1 Kinds of Kriging
Kriging covers a range of least-squares methods of spatial prediction.
Ordinary kriging of a single variable, as described in Section 8.2, is the most
robust method and the one most used.
Simple kriging (Section 8.9) is rather little used as it stands because we
usually do not know the mean. It finds application in other forms such as
indicator and disjunctive kriging in which the data are transfo rmed to have
known means.
Lognormal kriging (Section 8.10) is ordinary kriging of the logarithms of the
measured values. It is used for strongly positively skewed data that
approximate a lognormal distribution.
Kriging with drift (Chapter 9), also known as universal kriging, recognizes
both non-stationary deterministic and random components in a variable,
estimates the trend in the former and the variogram of the latter, and
recombines the two for prediction. This introduces residual maximum
likelihood into the kriging procedure (see Section 9.2).
Factorial kriging or kriging analysis (Chapter 9) is of particular value where
the variation is nested, i.e. more than one scale of variation is present.
Factorial kriging estimates the individual components of variation sepa-
rately, but in a single analysis.
Ordinary cokriging (Chapter 10) is the extension of ordinary kriging of a
single variable to two or more variables. There must be some coregionaliza-
tion among the variables for it to be profitable. It is particularly useful if
some property that can be measured cheaply at many sites is spatially
154 Local Estimation or Prediction: Kriging