Kriging was developed in mining originally to estimate the amounts of metal in
blocks of rock, and it is still used in this way. In these circumstances every block
of rock is potentially of interest, and its metal conten t will be estimated. The
miner may then deci de whether the rock contains sufficient metal to be mined
and sent for processing. Environmental scientists, and pedologists in particular,
have used kriging in a rather different way, namely optimal interpolation at
many places for mapping. The earliest examples are those by Burges s and
Webster (1980a, 1980b) and Burgess et al. (1981), who used ordinary kriging.
There have been many since, for example Mulla (1997), Frogbrook (1999) and
Frogbrook et al. (1999) in precision agriculture.
To map a variable the values are kriged at the nodes of a fine grid. Isarithms
are then threaded through this grid, and there are now many programs and
packages, such as Surfer (Golden Software, 2002) and Gsharp, and geographi-
cal information systems, such as Arc/Info, that will do this with excellent
graphics. Computing the isarithms involves another interpolation which is
rarely optimal in the kriging sense, but if the kriged grid is fine enough this lack
of optimality is immaterial. In most instances kriging at intervals of 2 mm on
the finished map will be adequate.
The kriging variances and their square roots, the kriging errors, can be
mapped similarly, and these maps give an idea of the reliability of the maps of
Creating a grid of kriged values to make a map can involve heavy computa-
tion. In principle all the estimates and the ir variances could be fou nd from a
single inversion of matrix A in equation (8.13) that contains all of the
semivariances between the sampling sites. As above, however, this is unwise
or even impossible when the matrices are large. In practice, therefore, one
enters into A only the semivariances for some n data points, i.e. within the
neighbourhood, near each grid node. This keeps the matrix small, but increases
the number of inversions needed. Inversion can be accelerated if you work with
the covariances instead of the semivariances because in the usual method of
matrix inversion the largest element in each row, which serves as a pivot, is
always in the diagonal of the covariance matrix and need not be sought.
For variables that are second-order stationary all the formulae for finding the
weights from the variogram also apply to the covariance function with only
changes of sign. For variables that are intrinsic only, the technique can still be
used if you take some arbitrary large value for the covariance at h ¼ 0.
Other economies can be made depending on the location of the sampling
points. If they are irregularly scattered then the same few data will often be used
to estimate ZðxÞ at several grid nodes within a small area. Furthermore, the
finer the interpolation grid the more nodes can be interpolated from the same
observations. Matrix A remains the same and needs inverting only once. Much
174 Local Estimation or Prediction: Kriging