increases, as we sho uld expect, because the grea ter the variance that remains
unresolved the more uncert ain is the estimate. The estimates and their
associated variances illustrate two points:
(i) A nugget variance increases the kriging variance, and for punctual kriging
it sets a lower limit to that variance (see Figures 8.17 and 11.8(b)).
(ii) It is important to fit the model correctly to the sample semivariances
because of the effect of the model on both the estimates and their variances.
Although the kriging variances are smaller for a smaller nugget variance, the
model must represent the nugget effect realistically. If it does not then the
estimates could be judged to be more or less reliable than they really are.
Changing the range or sampling intens ity
We now explore the effect of decreasing the range of spatial dependence, or, what
amounts to the same thing, decreasing the sampling density. The nugget variance
and the sill of the spatially dependent component, c, were kept constant and we
changed the distance parameter, as shown in Table 8.2. Figure 8.5(b) shows the
effect on the shape of the exponential variogram, and Figure 8.6(a) shows the
weights for exponential R1, where the effective range of dependence (a
¼ 3r)is
400 m. The weights of the inner four points are the largest, and the outer ones
contribute little or nothing. If we compare this with Figure 8.6(b) for the best-
fitting exponential model R2, it is clear that they are similar. As the effective range
lengthens, however, the inner points gain weight in accordance with the increase
in spatial continuity in the variation. If we reduce the effective range substantially
to 80 m (exponential (R3)), then the weights of the inner points decrease and
those of the outer ones increase (Figure 8.6(c)). When we reduce the effective
range to half the sampling interval, i.e. 20 m (exponential R4), the variogram is
effectively pure nugget. Figure 8.6(d) shows the weights which are now small for
all of the points, though they are not all the same: the inner ones are somewhat
larger than the outer ones, because with the exponential model the distance
parameter does not disappear completely. Nevertheless, the estimate is the mean
of the data as in the previous example, Figure 8.4(a), but the kriging variance is a
little less because of the effect of the differences in the weights.
Since changing the distance parameter of a spherical model has a different
effect, we include the results of changing the range of the best-fitting spherical
function to the 16 points. The spherical function is give n by
þ c
; ð8:19Þ
with the parameter values c
¼ 0:0309; c ¼ 0:3211 and a ¼ 203:2 m for the
best-fitting spherical function.
164 Local Estimation or Prediction: Kriging