space (see, for example, Oliver et al., 1997). Spatial examples include:
photographic and radiometric survey by aircraft;
bathymetric and son ar survey from ships;
electric logs of boreholes for oil exploration ;
pollen counts through peat;
isotope measurements through polar ice;
transect surveys of soil.
In some instances each line is one of several or many in R
or R
. In others the
lines are isolated repr esentatives of two-dimensional scenes. Variables, such as
temperature, may also be recorded at regular intervals in time, and in that
instance there is only one dimension. We can analyse the data by all of the
standard geostatistical methods described above. However, if there is periodicity
then it is often profitable to express the variation in relation to frequency rather
than space or time, and this takes us into the realm of spectral analysis.
To illustrate an analysis of periodic variation we use the data from a survey by
Webster (1977) of salinit y on the Bland Plain of eastern Australia. This
virtually flat plain is part of the Murray–Darling Basin. Its soil is dominantly
clay, but with a more sandy surface horizon of variable thickness, alkaline and
locally saline. One of its most remarkable features is its patterns of gilgai. The
gilgais are small, almost circular depressions from a few centimetres to as much
as 50 cm deep in the plain and several metres across. The soil in their bottoms is
usually clay and wetter than that elsewhere.
A paddock at Caragabal, NSW, was sampled at regular 4-m intervals along a
transect almost 1.5 km long. At each of 365 samplin g points a core of soil,
75 mm in diameter, was taken to 1 m, and segments of it were analysed in the
laboratory. For present purposes we shall concern ourselves with just one
variable, the electrical conduc tivity at 30–40 cm. Table 7.1 sum marizes the
data, which were strongly skewed and therefore transformed to logarithms for
further analysis. Figure 7.1 shows the logarithm of conductivity plotted against
position as the fine line. The bold line is a smooth ing spline fitted to the data to
filter out the short-range variation and reveal a fluctuation of longer range that
appears regular.
The experimental variogram of the data is shown in Figure 7.2 as the plotted
points, to which we have fitted a model with a periodic component. The full
model is given by
þ wh þ cfsphðaÞg þ c
þ c
: ð7:1Þ
140 Spectral Analysis