Therefore, if we know the variogram then we can determine the kriging errors
for any sampling configuration before doing the sampling, and we can design a
sampling scheme to meet a specified tolerance or precision.
In general, mapp in g is most effi cie nt if sur vey is don e on a regula r grid in
the sense that the maximum kriging error is minimized. Where there is spatial
dependence the information from an observation pertains to an area sur-
rounding it, and specifically to the neighbourhood within its range if the
variable is second-order stationary. If the neighbourhoods of two observations
overlap then information is duplicated to some extent. Any kind of clustering
of points, such as arises with random sampling, means that information can
be replicated while elsewhere there is underrepresentation or even big gaps.
We can minimize redundancy by placi ng the samp ling points as far aw ay
from their neighbours as possible for a given sampling density. This approach
also minimizes the area that is underrepresented. Triangular configurations
are the most efficient in this respect. For a grid with one node per unit area
neighbouring sampling points are 1.0746 units of distance apart, and no
point is more than 0.6204 units away from another. We denote this
maximum distance d
. Rectangular grids have some neighbours that are
closer and others that are further away. For a square grid with one node per
unit area the sampling interval is 1, and d
¼ 1=
¼ 0:7071. For a
hexagonal grid with unit sampling density d
¼ 0:8772. From this we
should expect triangular sampling configurations to be the most efficient.
Mate´rn (1960) and Dalen ius et al. (1961) showed that where the variogram is
exponential the triangular grid is optimal for estimating the mean of a region,
and in most circumstances with bounded variograms that have finite ranges.
The same is also true if the variogram is unbounded. In certain restricted
circumstances with variograms with a finite range, a hexagonal grid can be
the mo st efficient (Yfantis et al., 1987). In general, however, rectangular grids
are preferred because they are easier to work with in the field. Figure 8.23(a)
shows that the difference in precision between a triangular configuration and
a square one is small, and that we can choose the type of grid that we prefer to
work with.
The variogra m then enables us to optimize the sampling interval to estimate
both the regional mean and local values for mapping. For estimation by kriging,
or indeed any other method of interpolation, the distances between neighbour-
ing sampling points should be well within the correlation range. As we have
seen above, if they are beyond the range then kriging simply returns the mean
of the points in the neighbourhood.
The kriging errors are not the same everywhere. With punctual kriging there
is no error at the sampling points, see Figure 8.11(c), and, in general, the
further a target point is from the data the larger the error. If we sample on a
regular grid we minimize d
, which is the distance between a target point at
the centre of a grid cell and its nearest sampling point on the grid node. We also
minimize the maximum kriging error, except near the margins of the map.
Optimal Sampling for Mapping 187