The procedure is somewhat tedious because the variograms for all the
thresholds must be computed and modelled. Furthermore, because the
; z
Þ for the different z
are computed independently of one another, there
is no guarantee that they will sum to 1, or that the cumul ative function will
increase monotonically, or that the estimated probabilities will lie in the range 0
to 1. Some adjustment of the results may therefore be needed to ensure that the
bounds are honoured and the order relations mai ntained. Nevertheless, an
empirical distribution function can be obtained and then use d to refine the
estimate of the conditional probability that Zðx
Goovaerts (1997) describes the procedu re fully and illustrates it with
examples using the computer programs in GSLIB (Deutsch and Journel,
1992), while Olea (1999) devotes a section of his book to the topic. We shall
not repe at the detail here.
Disjunctive kriging provides another way of estimating an indicator transform
of continuous data. It does so without losing information, though requiring
rather stronger assumptions than does indicator kriging as described above. It
may take several forms (see Rivoirard, 1994), the most common of which is
Gaussian disjunctive kriging and the one we describe.
11.4.1 Assumptions of Gaussian disjunctive kriging
The assumptions underlying Gaussian disjunctive kriging are as follows. First,
zðxÞ is a realization of a second-order stationary process ZðxÞ with mean m,
variance s
and covariance function CðhÞ. The underlying variogram must
therefore be bounded. Second, the bivariate distribution for the n þ 1 variates, i.e.
for each target site and the sample locations in its neighbourhood, is known and
is stable throughout the region. If the distribution of ZðxÞ is normal (Gaussian)
and the process is second-order stationary then we can assume that the bivariate
distribution for each pair of locations is also normal. Each pair of variates has the
same bivariate density, and this density function is determined from the spatial
autocorrelation coefficient. These assumptions allow the conditional expectations
to be written in terms of the autocorrelation coefficients, as we shall show.
The variable ZðxÞ is spatially continuous, so that in going from a small value
at one place to a large one elsewhere it must pass through intermediate values
en route. It is an example of a Gaussian diffusion process. One test of this
assumption is to compare the variograms of the indicators for several thresholds
within the bounds of the measured z. The cross-indicator variograms should be
more ‘structured’ than the autovariograms. Figure 11.1 shows this to be so for
potassium at Broom’s Barn Farm.
Disjunctive Kriging 251