not. As Journel and Huijbregts (1978) remark, ‘decisions are based on
estimates, whereas profits depend on the true values’. Miners take financial
risks when treating estimates as if they are true.
If we use linear kriging to estimate Z at the nodes of a fine grid we could
examine the effect of the threshold by threading an isarithm at z
through the
grid and display the result as a map. This would show two classes: one where
the estimates of Z exceed z
and the other where they do not. As with the
individual estimates, the map would be more or less in error, and there would
be a risk in taking the map at its face value.
In all of these situations we need estimates of the probability, given the data,
that the true values exceed (or do not exceed) the threshold, z
, at an unsampled
location x
. It can be expressed formally by
Þ > zjzðx
Þ; i ¼ 1; 2; ...; N¼1 Prob½Zðx
Þ; ð11:1Þ
where N is the number of data points.
To determine the probabilities we need to know the conditional expectation or
expected value at each target point, which depends on knowing the probability
distribution of ZðxÞ. Unfortunately, the full multivariate distribution of ZðxÞ is
inaccessible, partly because we have only one realization and partly because the
actual probability distributions depart more or less from theoretical ones.
Two solutions have been proposed to overcome this difficulty; both involve
transformations of data, and both are used in practice. The simpler is indicator
kriging (Journel, 1983); it needs no assumption of a theoretical distribution,
and in this sense it is non-parametric. It converts a variable that has been
measured on a continuous scale to several indicator variables, each taking the
values 0 or 1 at the sample sites, and estimating their values elsewhere. It is
appealing for these reasons. The other solution, disjunctive kriging, is due to
Matheron (1976). It transforms the data to a standard nor mal distribution
using Hermite polynomials and then compares the estimated values with the
normal distribution to obtain the required probabilities.
Although indicator and disjunctive kriging are described as non-linear meth-
ods, both are linear krigings of non-linear transforms of data. Indicator kriging
involves simple or ordinary kriging of indicators, and disjunctive kriging is a
simple kriging of Hermite polynomials. Both lead to estimates of the probabilities
that the true values exceed (or not) specified thresholds at unknown points or
blocks in the neighbourhood of data. In this way they enable us to assess the risk
we take by accepting the estimates at their face values.
Many case studies using the techniques have been reported. Examples of
indicator kriging in mining include ones by Journel (1983) and Lemmer
(1984), and in environmental protection by Bierkens and Burrough (1993a,
1993b), Journel (1988), Goovaerts (1994) and Goovaerts et al. (1997).
Matheron developed disjunctive kriging specifically for mining, and its potential
benefits for that industry are evident (Rendu, 1980; Mare´chal, 1976; Rivoirard,
Introduction 245