kriging variance of the target variable should decrease, and doing the calcula-
tions as above and plotting the results will show just how beneficial cokriging is
at various scales. McBratney and Webster (1983) describe the procedure in
We illustrate the approach with the coregionalization at CEDAR Farm. As we
mentioned above, measuring nutrients in the soil is expensive in relation to the
benefits to be gained from knowing the concentrations. Arable farmers in
Britain can afford to sample their soil at a density of approximately one per
hectare; not more. Yet they would like to know the nutrient concentration at a
much finer resolution to vary their application of fertilizers. Automatic record-
ing of yield as the grain passes through the harvester is now quite feasible and
produces abundant dense data. So if the relation between yield and nutrient
status is sufficiently strong the farmer might use the dense data on yield to
improve his prediction of nutrient concentration. So let us see to what extent we
might use this approach in the situation at this farm.
We suppose that available phosphorus (P) is the target variable and we shall
use yield as the subsidiary variable. We take the parameters for the cokriging
from the coregionalization model (Table 10.4). We have chosen intervals for the
primary grid from near 0 to 400 m. We have imposed subsidiary grids with
intervals of 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 and 1/5 of the primary grid, giving sampling ratios of
4, 9, 16 and 25. The smallest intervals are impracticable because the cutter bar
of a modern harvester is typically 4 m wide on British farms, but we include
them to complete the picture and for theoretical interest. We have solved the
kriging systems for punctual kriging and also computed the kriging variances
for blocks 24 m 24 m. We choose this size because the standard farm
machinery spreads fertilizer in bands this wide.
The results are plotted as graphs of maximum kriging variance against
sample spacing in Figure 10.4. In each graph the uppermost solid curve is for
autokriging and the ones beneath it are in order from top to bottom for
cokriging with the subsidiary grid interval 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 and 1/5 of that of
the primary grid.
The upper pair of graphs, Figure 10.4(a) for punctual kriging and
Figure 10.4(b) for block kriging, show that with the actual model of coregio-
nalization for this field the reductions in kriging variance from adding yield in
the kriging equations to predict P are modest. The reason is that the correlation
between the two is itself modest. If the cost of installing a recorder to measure
yield and handling the data is much less than that of analysing the soil for P
then it might be worth the trouble, but in any event the farmer cannot expect
large gains in precision or to save much in soil sampling and analysis.
In passing, we note that the block-kriging variance is less than the variance
of punctual kriging with the same sampling configuration by an amount
approximately equal to the within-block variance of P.
The outlook might be rosier with stronger association between target and
subsidiary variables, and to illustrate this we have repeated the exercise using
Cokriging 233