and Table 12.2 gives their model parameters. There are small differences in the
nugget variances, but somewhat larger differences in the ranges from the
generating function.
We also illustrate results using simulated annealing on the same grid and
conditioned on the same normal scor es of K. Figure 12.4 shows the stages in
the annealing process. The first map, Figure 12.4(a), includes the data and
additional values draw n from a normal distribution with the same mean and
variance as the data. The field appears to lack any pattern, and its experimental
variogram, shown in Figure 12.5(a), is effectively flat. The objective function at
this stage, the beginning, is 1. Figure 12.4(b) shows the results after 65 000
swaps, at which stage the objective function had decreased from 1 to 0.5289. A
broad pattern is beginning to develop and is just detectable. The variogram of
the field, presented in Figure 12.5(b), shows only weak structure at this stage,
which manifests itself as long-range autocorrelation. The experimental vario-
gram is still fairly flat near the ordinate, however. After approximately 190 000
swaps the objective function reached 0.0004, and the experimental variogram
is close to the theoretical curve, as is apparent in Figure 12.5(c). The main
features of the spatial pattern are evident in Figure 12.4(c), and this map
resembles those from sequen tial Gaussian simulation (Figure 12.2) with the
same broad features as those from block kriging (Figure 8.22). Nevertheless, it
is not as similar to the latter as are those in Figure 12.2. The maps in Figure
12.4(d) and (e) are for two more simulations that converged after some
195 000 swaps and an objective function of 0.0002. Figure 12.5(d) and (e)
shows their variograms.
The maps in Figure 12(c)–(e) are clearly different from one another and seem
to vary more than do those for sequential Gaussian simulation; there are more
Table 12.2 Model parameters for the spherical function fitted to experimental
variograms from eight fields simulated by sequential Gaussian simulation conditioned by
the potassium data standardized to mean 0 and variance 1 from Broom’s Barn Farm.
Simulation c
ca/m Residual Mean Square
1 0.2660 0.7406 412.7 48.68
2 0.2942 0.6209 420.0 227.7
3 0.2546 0.7578 459.6 43.11
4 0.2618 0.6588 395.6 44.80
5 0.2691 0.6744 364.3 151.5
6 0.2635 0.6966 418.8 60.05
7 0.2523 0.6840 409.3 12.01
8 0.2899 0.6818 455.2 186.0
Generator 0.2536 0.8410 454.0
Illustration 281