The aim is to estimate or predict in a spatial sense the values of z at unsampled
places, or ‘targe t s’, from the data. Fo r images su ch targets are like ly only wher e
there are gaps in a scene. Ordinary kriging smoothes, however, and you might
choose to use it to remove short-range noise in the image so that you can
see a more general pattern. For ground surveys they are commonplace, and in
this section ground survey is assumed. Further, ordinary kriging of z (or
y ¼ ln z for lognormal kriging) is likely to serve in 90% of cases, and only this is
You will need the orig inal data and a legitimate model of the variogram. You
now have several choices before you.
Punctual or block kriging. The targets may be points, say x
, in which case
the technique is punctual kriging. Alternatively, they may be small blocks, B,
which may be of any reasonable size and shape but are usually square; this is
block kriging. The size of block should be determined by the application: what
size of block does the user of the predictions want? It should not be determined
by the data or the cosmetics of mapping (see below).
Number of data points. Ordinary kriging computes a weighted average of
the data. The weights are determined by the configuration of the data in
relation to the t arge t in com bi nat ion wi th the va rio gra m mod el. Th ey do not
depend on the measured values, the zðx
Þ. Unless the model has a large
proportion of nugget variance only the nearest few sampling points carry
apprecialbe weight; more distant points have negligilbe weight. So kriging is
Take the nearest 20 points to the target. If the data points are exceptionally
unevenly scattered then take the nea rest two or three points in each octant
around the target.
Form the kriging equations, and solve them to obtain the weights, the
predicted values and the prediction variances (kriging variances).
If you are uncertain how many points to take then experiment with numbers
between 4 and 40 and plot their positions in relation to the target and their
weights. Do not be alarmed if some weights are negative, provided they are
fairly close to 0.
Transformation. For lognormal kriging the data must transformed to y ¼ ln z
or y ¼ log
z, and the variogram model must be of y. If you want estimates to
be of z then you must transform the predicted y back to z.
Kriging for mapping. Krige at the nodes of a fine square grid. Write the kriged
estimates and kriging variances to a file. For an isarithmic display the interval of
the grid should be chosen such that it is no more than 2 mm on the final hard
copy. The optimality of kriging will not then be noticeably degraded by non-
optimal interpolation in the graphics program.
Spatial Estimation or Prediction: Kriging 291