20-6. Using the data for the village of Fishkill ( Problem 20-2 ), select a Parshall flume from
the options available in Table 20-2 . Identify the selection by the throat width. Deter-
mine the depth of the flume if 0.6 m of freeboard is to be provided.
20-7. The preliminary design using a Parshall flume and screw pump for the town of
Pigeonroost’s WWTP ( Problems 20-1 and 20-5 ) resulte
d in too much space. An
alternative design calls for a pump to lift the sewage and a magnetic flow meter to
measure the flow. Assuming that the velocity in the pipe is to be about 1 m/s,
perform a web search to locate an appropriate magnetic flow meter. The flow meter
must fit in one of the following standard pipe sizes (all in mm): 100, 125, 150, 200,
250, 300, 350, 375, 400.
The Parshall flume and screw pump for the village of Fishkill’s’s WWTP ( Problems
20-2 and 20-6 ) resulted in too much space. An alternative design calls for a pump to
lift the sewage and a magnetic flow meter. Assuming that the velocity in the pipe is
to be about 1 m/s, perform a web search to locate an appropriate magnetic flow
meter. The flow meter must fit in one of the following stand
ard pipe sizes (all in
mm): 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 375, 400.
20-9. Continuing the design of preliminary treatment facilities for the town of Pigeonroost
WWTP ( Problem 20-1 ), design a bar rack channel using an inlet channel width of
0.68 m, a slope of 0.00025, and the assumptions used in Example 20-3 . Assume
0.6 m of freeboard is to be provid
20-10. Continuing the design of preliminary treatment facilities for the village of Fishkill
WWTP ( Problem 20-2 ), design a bar rack channel using an inlet channel width of
0.84 m, a slope of 0.00050 and the assumptions used in Example 20-3 . Assume 0.6 m
of freeboard is to be provided.
20-11. Continuing the design of preliminary treatment fac
ilities for the town of Pigeon-
roost’s WWTP ( Problem 20-1 ), estimate the headlosses for a bar rack using an inlet
channel width of 0.68 m and the assumptions used in Example 20-4 .
20-12. Continuing the design of preliminary treatment facilities for the village of Fishkill
WWTP ( Problem 20-2 ), estimate the headlosses for a bar rack using using an inlet
channel width of 0.84 m and the assu
mptions used in Example 20-4 .
20-13. Keller et al. (2006) reported that fine screens with 3 mm openings have approxi-
mately 35% effective open area. Estimate the headloss for a flow rate of 16,000 m
/ d
through a 3.2 m
clean fine screen with 3 mm openings.
20-14. Keller et al. (2006) reported that fine screens with 1 mm openings have approxi-
mately 31% effective open area. Estimate the headloss for a flow rate of 8,600 m
/ d
through a 1.6 m
clean fine screen with 3 mm openings.
20-15. Using Newton’s equation ( Equation 20-8 ) and Camp’s scour equation ( Equation 20-9 ),
demonstrate that a grit particle with a diameter of 200 m and a specific
gravity of 2.65 results in a design overflow rate of 0.021 m/s and a horizontal velocity
greater than 0.056 m/s and less than 0.23 m/s for an horizontal flow grit
chamber if the
organic particles of the same size have a specific gravity of 1.10. Assume 0.06
and f 0.03.