Loose RO, 9-2
Low pressure RO, 9-2
Lower explosive limit (LEL):
chlorine dioxide, 13-5
methane, 27-44–27-45
Lower heating value, digester gas, 27-45
Low-flow duration, 2-14
Low-lift, 3-2
Low-lift pumping station, 3-2
Low-service, 3-2
LOX, 13-5, 13-27
LSI, 7-34–7-36
Macerator, 20-24
Macronutrients, 22-10
Manganese in drinking water, 2-24
and ion exchange, 8-10
and MF/UF filtration, 12-14
d oxidant demand, 13-23
hardness, 7-2, 7-3, 7-8–7-9
scale, 7-11
softening, 7-7, 7-8–7-9
and split treatment, 7-22–7-25
Magnetic flow meters, 20-8
Magnetic ion exchange (MIEX
), 14-17,
Main, sewer, 19-2
Maintenance cleaning, membrane filter,
Manhole, 19-2, 19-5, 19-6
covers, 19-40
safety, 19-40
Manning equation, 16-22, 19-15, 20-14
Manning’s n, 19-17, 19-18
Manufacturer’s standard conditions, 9-16
Margin of safety (MOS), 18-13
Mass balance:
activated sludge process, 23-15–23-16
equalization basin, 2-15
ion exchange, 8-12
nitrogen, 23
reservoir design, 2-15–2-18
retention basin, 2-15
return sludge, 23-24–23-25
sludge, 15-10, 27-6
wastewater treatment, 28-30–28-31
Mass transfer, oxygen, 23-31
Materials recovery, sludge, 15-13–15-15
Maturation ponds, 23-2, 23-3
Maximum contaminant level (MCL), 2-28
tables of, 2-
Maximum contaminant level goal
(MCLG), 2-29, 2-30–2-33
Maximum day, 17-9, 18-5
Maximum day demand, 2-27, 17-2, 17-9
Maximum month, 18-5
Maximum residual disinfectant level
(MRDL), 2-34
Maximum residual disinfectant level goal
(MRDLG), 2-34
ximum specific growth rate, 22-3
MBBR, 24-14
MBR, 23-12–23-13, 23-95–23-98, 28-15,
Mean cell residence time (θ
), 23-4
See also Solids retention time (SRT)
Mechanical sludge collectors, 10-21,
10-22, 10-24
dual, 11-20, 11-21, 11-42, 26-6–26-7,
mono-, 11-20, 11-21, 11-44, 26-8
multi-, 11-21, 11-43, 26-7–26-8
properties, 11-7
single, 11-41
tri-, 11-43, 26-7–26-8
trickling filter, 24-2
array, 9-8, 9-10, 9-15
backwash, 15-9
bioreactor (MBR), 23-12–23-13,
and fine screens, 20-23
brine, 9-11, 15-9
chemical c
leaning, 12-16, 23-98
comparison of, 9-2, 9-3
concentrate, 9-11, 12-14, 15-9
configuration, 9-6–9-7, 12-9–12-10
design, 9-11–9-16, 12-15–12-18
diffusers, 20-43, 23-82
electrodialysis, 9-18
element, 9-8, 9-15, 12-16
filter technique, 2-36
filtration of wastewater, 26-10–26-12
flux, MF/UF, 12-5, 26-11
flux, NF/RO, 9-5
fouling, 9-8, 9-9, 12-6–12-7, 23-97
hollow fiber, 9-6, 9-8, 12-9, 12-10
inside-out (cross-flow), 12-10, 12-11
inside-out (dea
d end), 12-10, 12-11
and limiting salt, 9-8, 9-11–9-15
materials, 9-8, 12-7, 12-9
mechanics of filtration, 12-3–12-4
microfiltration (MF), 9-2, 9-3, 12-2,
12-3, 23-12, 26-10
models of filtration, 12-4–12-5
models of fouling, 12-6–12-8
nanofiltration (NF), 9-2, 9-3, 12-2, 12-3
outside-in, 12-10, 12-11
outside-in (cross-flow), 12-10, 12-11
permeability, 12-12
posttreatment, 9-9
pressure, effects, 12-12
pretreatment, 9-9, 12-13–12-14
overy (r), 9-5, 9-6, 15-9
rejection, 9-6, 12-4, 15-9
residuals, 15-9
resistance coefficient, 12-5
reverse osmosis (RO), 9-2, 9-3, 12-2
scaling, 9-9
service life, 9-7, 12-12
specific flux, 12-12
spiral-wound, 9-6, 9-7
stage, 9-8
temperature effects, 9-7, 9-16, 12-10
transmembrane pressure (TMP), 9-5,
12-5, 12-15, 26-11
ultrafiltration (UF), 9-2, 9-3, 26-10
aptans, 22-16
Merry-go-round, ion exchange, 8-13
Mesh size, 8-10, 14-8
Mesophiles, 22-3
Metabolism, 22-6
and anaerobic digestion, 27-34–27-36
as an end product, 27-34–27-36
explosive limits, 27-44–27-45
fermentation, 27-34
gas production, 27-36, 27-40
heating value, 27-45
in sewers, 19-40
Methemoglobinemia, 2-24
mg/L as CaCO
, 6-12, 7-2
MIB, 14-33, 14-35
Microbial growth characteristics,
Microbial growth requirements, 22-10
Microbiological characteristics of
drinking water, 2-25