levels, 17-26
location, 17-23–17-25, 17-38
sanitary protection, 17-38
terminology, 17-22
typical, 17-46
volume, 17-26–17-28
for equalization storage, 17-26
for emergencies, 17-26, 17-27
examples, 17-46
for fire demand, 17-26, 17-27
and water quality, 17-30–17-31
Stormwater, 18-2
Streaming current detector, 6-49
carbon dioxide, 7-12
tower, 14-22, 14-23
Strong acid c
ation exchangers (SAC),
8-2, 8-8
Strong base anion exchangers (SBA), 8-8,
14-14, 14-18
Study and conceptual design, 1-10–1-16
Submerged intake, 3-5, 3-6
Submerged orifice, 21-20
Substrate, waste as a, 22-9, 22-12
Substrate utilization rate, 23-19
Suction bell, wet well, 3-16, 19-36
in drinking water, 2-24
as an electron acceptor, 22-5
Sulfide oxi
dant demand, 13-23
Sulfur dioxide, 25-16, 25-17
Sunk cost, 1-15
Supervisory control and data acquisition
(SCADA), 16-26–16-31
Supervisory control and data acquisition
(SCADA) security, 16-34
Support media, filter, 11-26
Surface loading rate (SLR), 8-16
lar filter, 11-4, 11-42, 11-43
ion exchange column, 8-16
settling tank, 10-9
Surface overflow rate (SOR), 25-15
Surface wash, filter, 11-29–11-30
Surface water treatment rule (SWTR), 2-35
Suspended growth process, 23-2
Suspended solids (SS):
and biomass, 23-3
digester supernatant, 27-58
filtration, 26-5
residual, 27-58
Sustainable development, 1-7
Sweep coagulation, 6-9, 6-16, 6-17, 6-25,
6-26, 6-33
SWTR/ESWTR, 2-35, 16-6
Synthetic organic compounds, SOC,
removal of, 14-22
System head curves, 3-24–3-25,
System reliability, 1-12–1-14
Tapered aeration, 23-8
Target baffle, 10-20, 21-21
Taste and odor, 2-23, 13-11, 14-31–14-36
TCLP, 15-45
TDH, 3-19
TDS, 2-37, 7-35
and aerobic digestion, 27-29
and anaerobic digestion, 27-37
and backwashing, 11-28
and bacterial growth, 22-3
and Ct tables, 13-36, Appendix D
and density currents, 10-20
of drinking water, 2-23
and flocculation, 6-37
and kinetic coefficients, 23-50, 27-38
and membrane perform
ance, 9-7, 9-16,
and short circuiting, 10-20
and wastewater, 18-7
Temperature correction:
for aeration, 23-32
for heterotrophic bacteria kinetic
coefficients, 23-50
for NF/RO, 9-7, 9-16
for nitrification kinetic coefficients,
for oxygen transfer, 23-32
Temporary hardness, 7-3
Terminal electron acceptor, 22-4
Terminal head lo
ss, 11-3, 11-16
Terminal settling velocity (v
), 10-3
calculation of, 10-3, 10-4–10-7
ponds, 23-2–23-3
sludge, 27-6
treatment, defined, 26-2
Text Web site: www.mhprofessional
TH, 7-2
Theis equation, 4-17
Theoretical detention time (t
or θ),
see Detention time; Retention time
Thermophiles, 22-3
Thickener design, 15-20–15-23
Thickening, sludge, 15-16–15-23,
Thiem equation, 2-20
Throat, Parshall flume, 20-5, 20-6
TMDL, 18-12–18-13
TOC, 13-9, 13-19, 13-22, 13-45
Torque, running, 15-22
Total coliforms,
analytical methods, 2-36
Total dissolved s
olids (TDS), 2-37, 7-35,
Total dynamic head (TDH), 3-19
Total haloacetic acids (HAA5), 2-34
Total hardness (TH), 7-2
Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN):
in digester supernatant, 27-58
in wastewater, 18-7, 18-8
Total maximum daily load (TMDL),
Total organic carbon and NOM, 14-15,
Total organic carbon (TOC), 13-9, 13-19,
13-22, 13-45
Total suspended solids (TSS), 18-9, 18-11
Total trihalomethanes (TTHM), 2-34
Tower, absorption
Tower, intake, 3-3, 3-6, 3-9
Toxic inorganic substances,
in drinking water, 2-24–2-25
Toxic organic substances in drinking
water, 2-25
Toxicity characteristic leaching
procedure, (TCLP), 15-45
Trade percent, 13
Transient Non-Community Water System
(TNCWS), 2-29
Transmembrane pressure (TMP), 9-5,
Transmission main, 17-2
Transmissivity, 2-20, 4-17, 4-20–4-21
Traveling bridge sludge collector, 10-21
Treatment ponds for wastewater,
23-2–23-3, 23-14
Treatment train, 16-2