equipment is operated outside of its normal operating range or failure to meet discharge goals
because of frequent or very long downtime for repairs.
Process Flexibility. The ability of the operator to mix and match various processes to adapt to
variations in flow rates ranging from minimum flows at initial start-up of the plant to maximum
flows at the de
sign life is essential to providing consistently good quality effluent. In addition, the
ability to “work around” scheduled out-of-service maintenance requirements as well as unsched-
uled maintenance for repair of failures should be planned in the selection of process options. Both
the plant layo
ut and the hydraulics of the plant play a role in providing this flexibility. These are
discussed later in this chapter.
A more difficult requirement is the flexibility to meet c hanging regulatory requirements
(which, generally, will become more stringent rather than less stringent) or changes in the waste-
water characteristics. F
or a given set of site characteristics, planning for future expansion is one
logical way to provide flexibility. In some cases, it may be possible to provide extra space in the
hardened facilities (i.e., concrete structures) to allow for addition of equ ipment when the need
arises. Providing access d
oors or roof structures to the space is also a good idea. There is, of
course, the risk that the space will never be needed.
Utility Capabilities. The clean water u tility must be able to operate the plant once it is built.
This includes repairs as well as d ay-to-day adjustments, ordering supplies, taking sample
and so on. Processes should be selected that can be operated and maintained by the available
personnel or personnel that can be trained. The plant management must be informed of the
complexities and requirements of the treatment process before plans are adopted. Staff train-
ing as well as availability and access to servic
e are important considerations in selecting a
For many small (501 to 3,300 people) and very small communities (25 to 500 people) and
even some medium (3,301 to 10,000) to very large communities ( 100,000 people), there are
economies of scale in joining with others to provide treatment. The econo
mies of scale are found
primarily in capital cost, outside services, and materials. Energy and, to a lesser extent, labor
costs do not exhibit as significant an economy of scale. However, larger size does not guarantee
lower costs. In addition to the political issues of local control, a carefu
l economic evaluation of
the alternative of joining with another community is warranted.
Costs. The capital cost may be the key factor in selection of a process. As noted in Chapter 1,
the operating cost is, in all likelihood, equally relevant. It may be even more important than capi-
tal cost in the decision process because of the rising cost of energy and labor.
Odor Control. The stench of waste and decay has been associated with disease for centuries.
Long after the scientific recognition of the germ theory of disease, people attribu te diseas e to
miasmas. Malodors still send a psychological warning signal that distresses the recipient.
A s the United State
s has become urbanized and less agricultural, urban, suburban, and
even rural communities lack tolerance for even ephemeral exposure to extremely low odor
concentrations. In addition to psychological stress, they cause a measurable decline in prop-
erty values. Because the publi
c rates odors as a primary concern in the implementation of
clean water facilities, odor control must rank as a m ajor consideration in process selection and