Heat Treatment
Another conditioning approach is to heat the sludge at high temperatures (175 C to 230 C) and
pressures (1,000 to 2,000 kPa). Under these conditions, much like those of a pressure cooker,
water that is bound up in the solids is released, improving the dewatering characteristics of the
sludge. Heat treatment has the advantage of produ
cing a sludge that dewaters better than chem-
ically conditioned sludge. The process has the disadvantages of relatively complex operation,
high maintenance requirements, and the creation of highly polluted cooking liquors (soluble
BOD may exceed 5,000 mg/L) that when recycled
to the treatment plant impose a significant
added treatment burden. In addition, the process has high capital and operating costs. For these
reasons, very few new facilities have been built in recent years (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003) .
Many of the method s for dewatering biomass sludges are the same as those used to dewater
water treatment plant residuals. Their basic mechanism of operation is discussed and illustrated
in Chapter 15. The following discussion focuses on the particular considerations in application
to d
ewatering biomass sludge. In the past, vacuum filtration was the predominant dewatering
device for municipal sludge. It has been replaced by alternative mechanical dewatering equip-
ment (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003). Vacuum filters, reed beds, and lagoons are not considered in this
Sludge Drying Beds
The most popular method of sludge dewatering in the past has been the use of sludge drying
beds. These beds are especially popular in small plants because of their simplicity of operation
and maintenance. In 1979, 77 percent of all United States wastewater treatment plants utilized
drying beds; one-half of all the munic
ipal sludge produced in the United States was dewatered
by this method (U.S. EPA, 1979). Most of these plants are located in small- and medium-sized
communities, with an average flow rate of less than 8,000 m
/ d. Some larger cities, such as
Albuquerque, Fort Worth, Texas, Phoenix, and Salt Lake City, use sand drying beds. Although
the use of drying beds might be expected in the warmer, sunny regions, they are also used in
several large facilities in northern climates.
Operational procedures
common to all types of drying beds involve the following steps:
1 . Pump 0.20 to 0.30 m of stabilized liquid sludge onto the drying bed surface.
2. Add chemical conditioners continuously, if conditioners are used, by injection into the
sludge as it is pu
mped onto the bed.
3. When the bed is filled to the desired level, allow the sludge to dry to the desired final
solids concentration. This concentration can vary from 18 to 60 percent, depending on
several factors, including type of sludge, processing rate needed, and degree of dryness
ired for lifting. Nominal drying times vary from 10 to 15 d under favorable condi-
tions, to 30 to 60 d under barely acceptable conditions.
4. Remove the dewatered sludge either mechanically or manually.
5. Repeat the cycle.