bulb shape to provide this geometry (see, for example, the cross sections for Gdansk and Gdynia
in Poland—Sawicki, 2004), the complex ity of the shape would appear to be very expensive to
construct. The more conventional approach is to use dimensions and dimensional ratios that have
proven succe
There is no typical geometry. Chambers have depths of 2 to 5 m. The width to liquid depth
ratio ranges from 1:1 to 5:1 with a typical value of 2:1. The length-to-width ratio ranges from
2.5:1 to 5:1 (WEF, 1998). Lengths range from 7.5 to 27.5 m (Metcalf & Eddy, 2003, Morales and
Reinhart, 1984).
Square chambers are not recommended. They req
uire careful placement of baffles to work
properly without short circuiting. Long, narrow tanks appear to provide the best process effi-
ciency, grit quality, and ease of operation (Morales and Reinhart, 1984).
Baffles. Four types of baffles have been used in aerated grit chambers: inlet, outlet, intermediate,
and longitudinal. The first three types of baffle are used to prevent short cir
cuiting of the flow through
the tank. The longitudinal baffle is used in conjunction with the air supply to control the roll pattern.
If the flow enters the chamber perpendicular to the flow through a long, narrow tank
( Figure 20-12 ), inlet and outlet baffles may not be required. The common use of inlet and outlet
baffles is to turn the direction of flow to induce a spiral roll and reduce short circuiting. The baf-
s are placed perpendicular to the spiral roll pattern (Morales and Reinhart, 1984; WEF, 1998).
WEF (1998) suggests that a good design should include an intermediate baffle across the
width of the tank to prevent short circuiting through the center of the roll pattern.
The longitudinal baffle ( Figure 20-14 ) is placed approximately 1 m from the wall next
to the air diffusers (WEF
, 1998). It is an essential ingredient in controlling the roll pattern and
velocity of the flow across the bottom of the tank. The dimension d
i s sized to achieve a design ve-
locity across the bottom of the tank. Neither d
nor d
have been specified in the literature. Albrecht
(1967) proposed an empirical method for determining the velocity through the slot at the bottom of
the baffle. It includes selection of a design value for d
. This is discussed later in this section.
Air Supply. The shape of the grit chamber is not the only key to good design; diffuser place-
ment, air source, and adequate baffling all affect performance (Morales and Reinhart, 1984).
Coarse bubble diffusers are recommended for supplying the air. They are typically pla
ced 0.6 to
1 m above the bottom of the chamber. The air supply should be isolated from other treatment
plant aeration requirements to facilitate process control. The plant process air supply may provide
the air, but separate dedicated blowers are preferred (WEF, 1998). Adequate control, inc luding
valves and flow meters for each bank of
diffusers, is essential. In order to maintain effective grit
removal over a wide range of flows and grit loadings, the operators must be able to adjust the
aeration rate over a wide range of air flow rates and to taper the aeration rate along the tank.
The air supply and control system should be able to provide air over the range 0.0019 to
0.0125 m
/ s · m of tank length (GLUMRB, 2004; Sawaki, 2004; WEF, 1998).
Velocities. Unlike the horizontal-flow grit chamber, neither the overflow rate nor the velocity of
flow through the tank are design criteria. The primary design criterion for the aerated grit chamber
is the velocity of flow across the bottom of the tank (Albrecht, 1967; Sawicki, 2004). This veloc-
ity controls the SES diameter particle that will be removed. Based on theoretical calculations and
experimental evi
dence, for efficient removal of grit the velocity across the bottom of the tank
should be less than 0.15 m/s (Sawicki, 2004). Other experimental evidence is that a range of 0.03
to 0.40 m/s for the bottom velocity provides efficient removal (Morales and Reinhart, 1984).