An orifice inlet that exits the bottom of the inlet channel allows for a discharge pipe exit that
is below the liquid surface. The range of location for the discharge is from a depth of approxi-
mately 2 m to midtank depth (Petit, 2006).
The function of target or finger baffles is to dissipate the jetting energy of the influent. The
target baffle is solid. The finger baffle is perforated. Baffles are typically placed 0.6 to 0.9 m from
the inlet and submerged 0.5 to 0.6 m, depending on the tank depth. The top of the baffle must be
far enough below the wastewater surface to allow scum to pass over the top (WEF, 1998).
Two offset, slotted baffles with the slots offs et have proven effective in distributing flow
evenly across the tank. The baffles should extend to at least one-half the tank depth (U.S. EPA,
1974). Kawamura (1981) recommends the ins
tallation of three perforated baffles across the full
width of the tank. Individual slots should be not less than 50 mm wide (or in diameter, if perfo-
rations are used) to minim ize plugging with rags or plastic bags. The diameter of perforations
should not be greater than 100 mm to avoid persistent jets . A porosity factor of 0.05 (5 percent
open area) is typi
cal (Krebs et al., 1992). This baffle system provides the additional advantage of
providing some flocculation.
Weir Configuration. Unwanted hydraulic patterns that are produc ed by the bottom density
current can be s trong in the region next to the end of the tank. When the flow reaches the end
wall, there is a strong upward current. This is particularly of con
cern if the sludge hoppers are
placed at the end of the tank.
Although a number of alternative arrangements of the effluent launders have been used, the
orientation does not appear to be critical (Kawamura and Lang, 1986; Pettit, 2006). What does
appear to be important is that to avoid the strong upflow when the tank current reaches the end
wall, the launder cannot be placed near the end wall. Comparable results can be obtained with
either long parallel flow launders or short parallel flow launders if they are placed away from the
end of the tank. From an economic point of view, short or transverse launders are less expensive
to build. This appears to be the most typical arrangement (WEF, 1998).
To avoid loss of solids due to end wall upflow, placement of the laund
er at a distance from
the outlet wall equal to the wastewater depth is recommended (ATV, 1988).
Sludge Removal. The two classes of sludge removal systems are the chain-and-flight and the
traveling bridge. In the United States, the chain-and-flight systems are more common. Although
the traveling bridge may be equipped with either a scraper or a suction s
ystem, the suction mech-
anism is not used in primary clarifiers. The traveling bridge is noted for its higher construction
and maintenance costs (Pettit, 2006).
With the exception that the return flights move across the surface of the tank ( Figure 21-3 ),
chain-and-flight systems are very similar to those
discussed in Chapter 10, and the reader is
referred there for more details. The flight speed ranges from 0.3 to 1.2 m/min with a typical speed
of 0.9 m/min. In general they are operated periodically rather than continuously.
Although the sludge hoppers may be placed at the influent end, effluent end, or in the middle
of the tank, they are often pla
ced at the influent end in primary settling tanks. This places the
hoppers near where the bulk of the solids settle. It also alleviates the scour that lifts the solids
up into the effluent weirs at the end wall. The disadvantage of locating the hopper at the head
end of the tank is that the flight scraper induces a volumetric flow rate at the bottom of the tank
that is countercurrent to the den
sity flow current in the fluid above the sludge blanket. This may
resuspend solids.