Values of L /
greater than 0.3 result in stable nonfilamentous cultures while values of L /
than 0.15 are associated with bulking sludge.
GLUMRB (2004) specifies permissible aeration tank loading. When equalization is not
provided, their recommendation for extended aeration tanks is 0.24 kg BOD
/ m
of tank volume · d
and an F/M between 0.05 and 0.1 kg BOD
/kg MLVSS · d. The reactor MLVSS and MLSS are to
be calculated at low wastewater level.
Type of Reactor. The process kinetics are those of a completely mixed reactor.
Modeling Equations. Equations 23-22 and 23-23 are applicable. For municipal systems, WEF
(1998) recommends that process design using the kinetic approach be based
on an effluent soluble
substrate concentration of zero, that is, S
0. It is self-evident that this assumption is not valid
for these equations. A small value, for example 0.5 mg/L, will meet the WEF recommendation.
When both carbonaceous oxidation and nitrification are treatment objectives, nitrification growth
kinetics are assumed to govern.
Kinetic coefficients for removal of bCOD by heterotrophic bacteria are given in Table 23-1
3 .
The kinetic coefficients for design of nitrification with activated sludge are given in Table 23-14 .
Pacing. Flow-paced batch operation is generally preferable to time-based batch or continuous
inflow systems. In a flow-paced batch system, the plant receives the same volumetric loading during
every cycle. The time in
crement for each phase of the cycle remains constant. Once the tank is full,
the cycle begins. Equalization prior to the SBR is essential for this system to perform satisfactorily.
In a time-paced batch operation, the basin may receive a different volumetric load every
cycle. The start of the phases in the cycle is controlled by a clo
ck. Under low flow conditions, the
tank may not be full.
A time-paced operation that adjusts the cycle time and/or the time for each phase based on
the flow rate can be achieved with a programmable logic controller (PLC). This system also
allows for variable air flow rates so that aeration is reduced during low wastewater flows. This
option provides both power savings and
improved biokinetic conditions.
Cycle Time. Typical cycle times vary between four and eight hours. In practice six-hour cyclic
operation has been found to be most suitable for the treatment of domestic wastewater from small
communities (Goronszy, 1979).
Selection of an appropriate cycle time implic
itly determines the number of tanks required
to process a given flow rate to meet a given effluent standard. The worst case scenario is a
sinusoidal variation in flow/concentration without equalization. This also happens to be typical
of the diurnal flow pattern of small communities. For this case, Irvine and Richter (1978) found
the m
inimum volume of tankage occurred with three tanks. A two-tank system with upstream
equalization is a more economical way to achieve a given effluent standard.
Phases. The time allotted to each phase of the cycle is dependent on the objectives of the treat-
ment. The following suggestions are typical:
F ill. A fill time between two and four hours i
s typical. In a two-tank system, the fill time is set
equal to the sum of the react, settle, decant, and idle times so that when one tank is in the fill cycle
the other tank can complete its cycle.