It is recommended that the equalization volume be greater than or equal to 20 percent of
the volume of the average daily flow. Equalization volumes up to 40 percent do not appreciably
i mprove the results, but they do not adversely affect the results either (Filipe et al., 2001).
Primary Treatment. Clarifiers or screens may be used for primary treatment. While introduc-
tion of ret
urn activated sludge to the primary clarifier is generally discouraged, this practice may
be selected to increase the production of VFAs for phosphorus removal. Likewise, screens may
be selected in place of settling to allow more COD to pass to the BPR process.
Redundancy. A minim
um of two units are provided for redundancy. For plants having design
flow rates in the range of 19,000 to 38,000 m
/ d, three units are preferred to allow for one unit to
be out of service at the maximum flow rate. In the range of 38,000 to 190,000 m
/ d, four or more
tanks are often provided to allow operational flexibility and ease of maintenance.
Design Flow Rate and Loading. Unlike grit removal, primary settling, and secondary settling,
suspended growth biological treatment systems are not hydraulically limited. They are process
limited. The total tank capacity must be determ
ined from the biological process design. There-
fore, the loading (flow rate concentration) is an important design parameter.
It is recommended that the maximum month and peak daily loadings based on daily flow and
concentration data be used for design (WEF, 2006a).
Type of Reactor. Both plug-flow and c
omplete-mix reactors have been used. The anaerobic,
anoxic, and aerobic regimes must be physically separated to be effective. This may be accomplished
by dividing a tank into compartments. Although a theoretical plug-flow reactor will require less
tank volume than a complete-mix reactor to a
chieve the same efficiency, actual plug-flow reactors
seldom achieve ideal plug-flow. As a result it has been found that staging of complete-mix reactors
is the best method of approximating plug-flow efficiency. As a practical matter, three or four reac-
tors or stages in series will ad
equately approximate plug flow (WEF, 1998).
Modeling Equations. If completely mixed reactors are used, then Equations 23-14 and 23-15
are applicable for heterotrophic and nitrification biokinetics. BPR microorganism growth kinetics
fall in the same order of magnitude as that of other heterotrophic bacteria. A maximum specific
growth rate at 20
C is given as 0.95 g/g · d by Barker and Dold (1997). Kinetic coefficients for
removal of bCOD by heterotrophic bacteria are given in Table 23-13 . The kinetic coefficients for
design of nitrification are given in Table 23-14 .
Design Practice for Phosphorus Removal. The following paragraphs outline the design prac-
tice for those portions of the BPR process that affect phosphorus removal.
rbCOD. The available rbCOD determines the amount of pho
sphorus that can be removed by
the BPR mechanism. Metcalf & Eddy (2003) estimates that 10 g of rbCOD is required to remove
1 g of phosphorus.
Observations of the influent BOD to phosphorus ratio at operating plants as a function of
their design SRT are shown in Table 23-17 . Although these data do not include rbCOD, they
give an indication of the trend with respect to SRT and their relation
ship to the types of BRP