2. For the eight basins, four blowers plus a spare would be specified to meet redundancy
3. This is a preliminary design. Given the number of assumptions made to arrive at losses,
iteration of the pressure assumption is not warranted.
4. The air piping network problem is similar to a water distribution network problem. Ty
cally, the solution will be obtained using a computer program.
B e cause the membrane bioreactor (MBR) system can operate at a very high mixed liquor sus-
pended solids concentration, it has the following advantages over a conventional activated sludge
sys tem: (1) higher volumetric loading rates and shorter hydraulic detention times, (2) longer
sludge retention times
that result in less sludge production, (3) operation at low DO conc entra-
tions, (4) very high quality effluent in terms of suspended solids and BOD, (5) smaller footprint,
and (6) primary and secondary clarifiers are not required.
The disadvantages of the system are high capital costs, high replac
ement cost for membranes,
higher energy costs, and maintenance issues with respect to membrane fouling. Fine screens are
Performance data indic ate that MBR processes can achieve effluent BOD and COD con-
centrations much less than 5 mg/L and 30 m g/L, re
spectively. Ammonia nitrogen levels less
than 1 mg/L and total nitrogen c oncentrations less than 10 mg/L have been achieved. Turbidity
values less than 1 NTU can be achieved by the membrane.
Although the situation is rapidly changing, the number of membrane installations is rela-
tively small and the length of experience with any given configu
ration is short. So far the experi-
ence has been excellent, but prudent engineering practice suggests that a thorough evaluation of
the state-of-the-art be conducted before commitment to a MBR technology is made.
The following discussion of design practice is drawn primarily from Metcalf & Eddy (2003)
and WEF (2006b).
Design Flow Rate
Unlike suspended growth processes that are process limited, MBRs have substantial hydraulic
limitations. Typically, MBRs are designed with a peaking factor of 2.0 to 2.5 (WEF, 2006b).
Membranes are mounted in subunits. They may be c alled arrays, racks, or cassettes. The sub-
units can be taken out of service individually without interrupting the process flow of the entire
line. A sufficient number of subunits should be provided so that the membrane system can hand
the peak flow with one cassette out of service.
Hint from the Field. Because of the high cost of membranes and their limited life as well as
their continued technological improvement and reduction in cost, the initial installation should be
provided with the number of subunits required to meet the initial flow rather than the final design
flow. However, facilities (bu
ilding space, tanks, and piping) to hold the subunits for the design
flow should be provided at the start of the design life.