482 Index
Statistical description of turbulence,
Steam fog, 404
Steering level, 314, 347
Stefan–Boltzmann constant, 119
Stefan–Boltzmann law, 119–120
Stefan, Joseph, 119n
Stellar ice crystals, 246–247
Stepped leader (lightning), 254, 255
Steradian, 114
Storm surge, 370–371
Storm track, 430
Storms, see Convective storms;
Extratropical cyclones;
Terrain-induced windstorms;
Thunderstorms; Tropical cyclones
Stratification, turbulence and, 396–398
Stratocumulus, see Stratus cloud decks
Stratopause, 10
Stratosphere, 10–11
chemistry of, 184–196
ozone layer, 2, 182–196
Stratus cloud decks, 7, 220, 403, 447–448
temperature inversion above, 219
Streamfunction, 305
Streamers (lightning), 255
Streamlines, 271, 275–276
Sub-adiabatic lapse rates, 388
Subduction of tectonic plates, 37
Subgeostrophic wind speeds, 283
Sublimation, 233n
Subpolar low-pressure belts, 15
Subsidence and capping inversion, 21
Subtropical anticyclones, 15
Subtropical high-pressure belts
(or highs), 15
Subvisible cirrus clouds, 448
Sulfur dioxide (SO
), 2, 155, 156, 157,
158, 161, 162, 168–169, 172, 173,
178, 179, 183–184, 196–198, 261,
262, 441
Sulfur gases, 168–169, 172
aqueous-phase chemical reactions, 261
chemical cycling of, 183–184
in smog, 179
sources of in precipitation, 262
stratospheric, 196–198
volcanic emissions of, 37–38, 441–443
Sun, increasing luminosity of, 49, 58
Sun-related constants, 468
Sunphotometer, 132–133
Sunspot cycle, 439–441
Sunspots, 439
Supercell thunderstorms, 350, 352–356
classic, HP and LP, 357n
right- and left-moving, 354–355
tornadoes, 356–361, see also Deep
Supercooled droplets, 232
Supergeostrophic wind speeds, 283
Supersaturation, 209–215
cloud condensation nuclei (CCN),
ice particles, 238–241
Surface air temperature chart, 321
drop following volcanic eruptions, 443
global mean, 419–420, 444–446
Surface energy of droplets, 210
Surface layer, 384
Surface pressure, 7
Surface tension, 210
Surface wind field, 14–16
Sverdrup, Harald Ulrik, 59
Synoptic charts, plotting convections, 314
Synoptic scale motions, 376
Tail cloud, 359
Taylor, Geoffrey Ingram, 390n
Teleconnections, 428
Temperature advection, 285, 292, 293,
307, 316
Temperature–entropy diagram, 97
Temperature inversion, 11, 90
Tephigram, see Temperature–entropy
Terminal fall speed, 174, 224
Terrain, see Orographic effects on
Terrain-induced gravity waves, 90
Terrain-induced windstorms, 342–343
Terrestrial biosphere, 35–36
as carbon reservoir, 41–44
climate coupling with, 435–437
Terrestrial radiation, 114, 119
Thermal atmospheric tide, 422
Thermal diffusion chamber, 214
Thermal internal boundary layer
(TIBL), 409
Thermal wind, 283–286, 306, 328, 332
Thermally direct, indirect
circulation, 299
Thermals, 16, 376–378, see also Plumes
Thermocline, 26
Thermocline, seasonal, 423
Thermodynamic diagrams, 73, 78–79,
web site
Thermodynamic energy equation, 292
Thermodynamic method, 400
Thermodynamic variables, 5
Thermodynamics, 63
Thermodynamics of atmosphere,
Thermohaline circulation, 27, 29
Thermosphere, 10–11
Thermosteric effect, 456–457
Thickness, geopotential, 69–72
on synoptic charts, 315, 316
Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin),
74n, 84n, 256
Thunder, 256
Thunderstorms, 16–18, 344–366
damaging winds with, 349–356
electrification and microphysics
of, 252–259
environmental controls on, 345–349
mesoscale complexes, 363–366
structure and evolution, 349–356
Tilting of vorticity, 348, 372
Top–down cyclogenesis, 337–338
Tornadoes, 356–361
Total column ozone, 2, 192, 196
Total reactive nitrogen, 163
Trace gases, see Gases
Trade winds, 14, 299
Trajectories, 334–336
streamlines versus, 275–276
Translational energy of molecules, 127
Transmissivity, 120–121, 130
Transmissivity, flux, 136
Transpolar drift stream, 33
Transport of aerosols, 173, 259–260
Transport of trace gases, 160, 259–260
Triple point, 318, see also Fronts
Tropical cyclones, 12, 366–371
dynamics, 367–369
eyewall replacement cycle, 370
genesis regions, 369
life cycle, 369
storm surge, 370–371
vertical structure, 367–368, 372–373
Tropical depression, see Tropical cyclones
Tropical storm, see Tropical cyclones
Tropical tropopause, 11
Tropopause, 11, 184–185
break, 11
folding, 334, 444–446
Troposphere, 10–11
chemistry of, 153–176
Tropospheric jet stream, 12, 424–425
Trough in geopotential height field,
Turbopause, 10
Turbulence, 18, 376–385
closure, 382–383
intensity of, 379–381
scales and similarity theory,
statistical description of, 378–379
transport and fluxes, 381–382
Turbulent energy cascade, 18, 19, 376
Typhoons, see Tropical cyclones
Ultrafine particles, 176
Ultraviolet radiation, 114, 127
absorption by stratospheric ozone
layer, 11, 185–186
role in creation of hydroxyl
radical, 163
Unit conversions, list of, 468
Universal constants, list of, 467
Universal gas constant (R*), 65
Unsaturated air, 81
static stability of, 88–91
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