10.5 Climate Monitoring and Prediction 459
providing forecasts of changing weather conditions
and timely warnings of weather events that might pose
risks to life and property. In support of these activities,
a global observing system was established under the
auspices of the United Nations. Several nations and
international consortia established centers that collect
atmospheric and other relevant Earth system data and
assimilate it into models that diagnose the current
state of the atmosphere and predict how it will evolve
out to the limit of deterministic weather prediction.
This weather information is delivered to the public by
a distributed communications system involving both
government and private industry.
The global weather observing system is in the
process of being augmented to serve the additional
task of climate monitoring. Clouds, radiatively active
trace gases and aerosols are being added to the suite
of atmospheric measurements, and the observing sys-
tem is being expanded to encompass other compo-
nents of the Earth system that have a bearing on
climate. Many of the needed atmospheric and surface
observations can be obtained with complete global
coverage by means of remote sensing from satellites.
A number of other strategies are being used to moni-
tor subsurface temperatures, currents, and chemical
and biological properties of the oceans. Because it
deals with relatively weak, slowly evolving climate
anomalies, climate monitoring imposes much more
stringent requirements on the calibration and long-
term stability of measurements than observations in
support of numerical weather prediction.
Gridded atmospheric fields used in operational
numerical weather prediction are not well suited for
climate studies because they contain artificial discon-
tinuities due to changes in instrumentation, changes
in the availability of different kinds of measurements,
changes in the quality control procedures, and the
successive updating of the numerical weather predic-
tion models used to perform the data assimilation.
These inhomogeneities can be reduced substantially
by performing reanalysis of the archived observations,
using a single, state-of-the-art numerical weather
prediction model and uniform quality control proce-
dures, and correcting the data for known changes in
instrument characteristics.
Three-dimensional, coupled climate models were
first introduced in the 1970s and have gradually
expanded to include additional components of the
Earth system. Just as there is more to building a high-
performance automobile than merely assembling a
set of components designed independently by a
number of different manufacturers, there is more
to building a high-performance climate model than
merely coupling an atmospheric general circulation
model (GCM) with an ocean GCM, a sea-ice model,
or a land hydrology model.
Atmosphere-only GCMs are designed to produce
realistic simulations of the current observed climate
when run with climatological-mean sea-surface tem-
perature and sea ice. Ocean-only GCMs are designed
to produce realistic simulations of ocean temperatures
and currents when run with prescribed surface winds,
surface air temperatures, and precipitation, and similar
considerations apply to the models of other compo-
nents of the Earth system. When the models of the var-
ious components of the Earth system are coupled, the
observational constraints that were used in designing
and tuning them are removed. For example, the
observed sea-surface temperature is no longer pre-
scribed as part of the lower boundary conditions for
the atmosphere: in the coupled model, sea-surface tem-
perature is determined by the mutual adjustment of
the atmosphere and ocean GCMs to the insolation and
the interactions with the other model components.
The behavior of a coupled model is often quite
different from the composite behavior of the compo-
nent models from which it is constructed. Coupled
models may exhibit a pronounced climate drift, which
reflects the mutual adjustment of the various com-
ponents as the coupled system erratically wanders
away from the imposed initial conditions and estab-
lishes its own peculiar climatology. This equilibration
process proceeds rapidly at first, but it may take
centuries to complete, because of the large thermal
inertia of the oceans. Coupled models exhibit greater
internal variability than the component models of
which they are made up because of their ability
to simulated coupled phenomena such as ENSO.
Coupled climate models provide a physically consis-
tent framework for data assimilation, not only for the
atmosphere, but also for other components of the
Earth system.
Although the weather forecaster is still the object of
derision from time to time, the general public under-
stands and appreciates the value of weather forecasts
and makes routine use of them. The “market” for
climate forecasts on timescales ranging from seasons to
decades is much more limited: the main “customers”
being corporate enterprises in climate-dependent
sectors of the world economy, such as water, energy,
agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and outdoor recreation.
Managers in these fields are already accustomed to
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