420 Climate Dynamics
the short and longwave radiative fluxes and the fluxes
of latent and sensible heat), at the Earth’s surface, as
prescribed by (9.18) must vanish.
If these balance requirements were not fulfilled, the
temperatures would change until an equilibrium was
achieved. For example, if the net radiation at the top
of the atmosphere were downward, the Earth’s equiv-
alent blackbody temperature would have to rise until
the outgoing longwave radiation increased enough
to eliminate the imbalance. Based on global measure-
ments, such as those shown in Figs. 4.35 and 9.14, it is
possible to construct the global energy balance shown
in Fig. 10.1.
The 100 units of insolation (a synonym for the sea-
sonally varying, climatological-mean solar radiation)
incident on the top of the atmosphere represent a
flux density of 342 W m
integrated over the
Earth’s surface as shown in Fig. 4.8. Of the 100 units
incident on the top of the atmosphere, 3 are
absorbed by stratospheric ozone and 17 by water
vapor and clouds in the troposphere. A total of 30
units are reflected back to space: 20 from clouds and
aerosols, 6 from air molecules, and 4 from the Earth’s
surface. The total reflection (30 out of 100 units of
incoming radiation) is the Earth’s albedo.The
remaining 50 units are the net downward shortwave
flux through the Earth’s surface.
The Earth disposes of the energy that it absorbs
by a combination of longwave radiation and latent
and sensible heat fluxes as indicated by the red and
blue arrows in Fig. 10.1. The 110 units of longwave
radiation emitted from the Earth’s surface is equal to
effective emissivity of the surface, which ranges from
0.92 to 0.97 locally, times averaged over the sur-
face of the Earth, where T
is the surface temperature.
The net upward longwave flux through the Earth’s
surface (i.e., the difference between the upward emis-
sion from the surface and the downward emission
from clouds and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere)
amounts to only 21 units. Were it not for the presence
of the downward longwave fluxes (i.e., the greenhouse
effect) the Earth’s surface would be in equilibrium
with the incident solar radiation at a temperature
close to T
and the latent and sensible heat fluxes
would be much smaller than observed.
Exercise 10.1 On the basis of the data given in Fig.
10.1, describe the energy balance of the troposphere.
Solution: The troposphere is heated by the absorp-
tion of solar radiation, mostly by water vapor and
clouds (17 units), the absorption of longwave radiation
emitted by the Earth’s surface (110 12 98 units),
the absorption of longwave radiation emitted by
the stratosphere (5 units), the sensible heat transfer
through the Earth’s surface (5 units), and latent heat
release (24 units). Hence, the troposphere must emit a
total of 17 98 5 5 24 149 units of radiation
in the longwave part of the spectrum in order to
achieve a balance. It emits 89 units in the downward
direction and 60 units in the upward direction. ■
The annual mean latitudinal distribution of net radi-
ation at the top of the atmosphere, shown in Fig. 10.2,
was generated by zonally averaging the distributions
shown in Fig. 4.35. Because the temperature of the
Earth system is changing only very slowly, the globally
averaged insolation must be in balance with the
outgoing longwave radiation. Hence, there must be a
surplus of insolation relative to outgoing longwave
radiation at low latitudes and a deficit at high lati-
tudes. It is this imbalance that maintains the observed
equator-to-pole temperature contrast in the presence
of the strong poleward heat fluxes produced by baro-
clinic waves, as explained in Section 7.3 and 7.4.
Fig. 10.1 The global energy balance. The 100 units of incom-
ing energy represent the 342 W m
of incident solar radiation
averaged over the area of the Earth. Black arrows represent
shortwave radiation, red arrows represent longwave radiation,
and blue arrows represent the (nonradiative) fluxes of sensible
heat (SH) and latent heat (LH). The absorption and emission
by the Earth’s surface, the troposphere, and the stratosphere
each sum to zero, and the net flux through each of the inter-
faces sums to zero. [Adapted from Dennis L. Hartmann, Global
Physical Climatology, p. 28 (Copyright 1994), with permission
from Elsevier.]
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