9.4 Evolution 403
that are cloudy. When satellite images of closed cell
convection are rendered as negatives they resemble
images of open cell convection, and vice versa. Under
conditions of light winds, closed cell convection may
assume the form of polygonal cells like those in a
In regions of strong large-scale subsidence where
the boundary layer is shallow (i.e., 500 m–1km in
depth), convection-driven heating from below and
cooling from above intermingle to form a unified tur-
bulent regime that extends through the depth of the
boundary layer.As the boundary layer deepens there
is a tendency for the two convective regimes to
become decoupled. The lower regime, driven by
heating from below, is restricted to the lower part of
the boundary layer. As in the daytime boundary
layer over land, it may be capped by cumulus clouds.
The capping layer of the upper, radiatively driven
regime coincides with the top of a more continuous
stratus or stratocumulus cloud deck. The lower and
upper regimes are typically separated by an interme-
diate quiescent layer in which the lapse rate is condi-
tionally unstable. If the cumulus convection in the
lower regime becomes sufficiently vigorous that air
parcels reach their level of free convection, these
buoyant thermals may rise high enough to entrain sig-
nificant quantities of dry air from above the capping
inversion, leading to the dissipation of the stratiform
cloud deck and reunification of the turbulent layers.
We can envision the aforementioned sequence
of events as occurring if we follow a hypothetical
column of boundary-layer air along an equatorward
trajectory along the coasts of California, Chile, or
Namibia that later curves westward in the trade
winds. In response to a weakening of the large-scale
subsidence, the boundary layer deepens, and cumulus
clouds appear below the base of the stratocumulus
deck. The cumulus clouds deepen until they begin to
penetrate through the overlying cloud deck. As if by
magic, the dreary cloud deck thins and dissipates,
leaving behind only picturesque trade wind cumulus.
Drizzle falling from the cloud deck and evaporat-
ing into the unsaturated air below it also affects the
boundary-layer heat balance. The condensation of
water vapor within the cloud deck releases latent
heat, and the evaporation of the drizzle drops in the
subcloud layer absorbs latent heat. The thermody-
namic impact of the downward, gravity-driven flux of
liquid water is an upward transport of sensible heat,
thereby stabilizing the layer near cloud base.
Low-level cold advection contributes to the main-
tenance of stratiform cloud decks in two ways: it
destabilizes the surface layer, thereby enhancing the
flux of water vapor from the sea surface, and it cools
the boundary layer relative to the overlying free
atmosphere, thereby strengthening the capping
inversion and reducing the entrainment of dry air.
The subsidence that usually accompanies cold
advection also favors a shallow boundary layer with
a strong capping inversion. Hence cloud-topped
boundary layers prevail in regions of climatological
mean cold advection (e.g., to the east of the subtrop-
ical anticyclones) and fractional cloud coverage in
these regions varies in synchrony with time varia-
tions in the strength of the cold advection.
In regions in which the marine boundary layer is
topped by cloud decks, fractional cloud coverage
tends to be highest around sunrise and lowest during
the afternoon. The thinning (and in some cases the
breakup) of the overcast during the daytime is due to
the absorption of solar radiation just below the cloud
tops (see Fig. 4.30). The heating at the top of the
cloud deck results in a weakening of the convection
within the upper part of the boundary layer, reducing
the rate at which moisture is supplied from below.
The moisture supply becomes insufficient to replen-
ish the drizzle drops that rain out, and the cloud
thins. The warming of the air at the cloud-top level
also increases its saturation mixing ratio, thereby
allowing some of the liquid water in the cloud
droplets to evaporate. After the sun goes down, the
air at cloud-top level cools in response to the contin-
uing emission of longwave radiation. In response to
the cooling, the convection resumes, renewing the
Fig. 9.26 Satellite photograph of mesoscale cellular convec-
tion. Open cells are in the upper-left and lower-right quad-
rants, and closed cells are elsewhere. [Courtesy of NASA
MODIS imagery.]
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