Index 479
at top of atmosphere
annual-mean, 145
Dec.–Feb. versus June–Aug., 424
Net radiative cloud forcing, 447, 464
Neutral boundary layer, 375
Newton, Isaac, 67n
Newton’s second law, 276, 291
La Niña, 433
El Niño, 431–435
Nitrate radical (NO
), 156, 164, 183
Nitric acid (HNO
), 163
Nitric oxide, see NO
Nitrification, 182
Nitrogen (N
), 182–184
concentrations of, 8, 10, 155
Nitrogen chemical cycle, 182–183
Nitrogen compounds, reactive, 163–164
Nitrogen oxides, see NO
Nitrous oxide (N
O), 8, 155, 156,
182–183, 453
Noble gases, 48
Noctural boundary layer, 398
Non-sea-salt sulfate aerosol, 170
Non-supercell tornadoes, 361
Nonblack materials, radiative properties
of, 120
Nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs),
155n, 158, 161, 164
Nor’easters, 326n
Normal distribution, 427n
Normal optical depth, 130–133
Normand, Charles William Blyth, 86n
Normand’s rule, 86
North Atlantic deep water (NADW),
27, 29
North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), 429
North equatorial current, 28
Northeasterly trade winds, 14
Northerly winds, 4
Northern hemisphere annular mode
(NAM), 429
Northern hemisphere pack ice, 33
Norwegian polar front cyclone model,
, 155, 156, 158, 161, 163, 164, 166,
167, 168, 178, 179, 180, 181,
182–183, 190
Nucleation of water vapor condensation,
artificial (seeding), 245–251
ice particles, 232–236
Nucleation scavenging, 174, 259
Nuclei, see Cloud condensation nuclei
(CCN); Ice nuclei
Numerical weather prediction,
1, 300–303, 459–460
Oasis effect, 386
Obliquity variations in Earth orbit, 54
Obukhov length, 384–385
Occluded fronts, 318, see also Fronts
Occultation instruments, 186
Oceanic plates, 37
Oceans, 25–31
as carbon reservoir, 41, 44
circulation of, 27–29
color of surface, 30
composition and vertical structure,
global sea level rise, 456–457
marine boundary layer, 401–404
as sink for trace gases, 162
as source of atmospheric gases,
as water reservoir, 38
Odd chlorine (ClO
), 164
Odd hydrogen (HO
), 164, 168
Odd nitrogen (NO
), 164
Odd oxygen, 189–190
Optical depth, 130–133
Optical phenomena in planetary
blueness of sky, 124
coronas, 126
crepuscular rays, 199
haloes, 125
rainbows, 125
Optical properties of atmosphere, 6–7
Optical properties of cloud layers, 216
Optical thickness, see Optical depth
Orbital transitions, 128
Orbital variations (Earth), 53–54
Ordinary thunderstorms, 350–351
Organic carbon reservoir, 43–45
Organic compounds, 164, 173
Orographic effects on weather
boundary-layer effects, 404–408
cold air damming, 341–342
gravity waves, 90
precipitation, 21, 343–344
surface air temperature and, 321
Outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), 144
Overseeding of clouds, 248
Oxidation number, 157
concentrations in Earth system, 8,
45–48, 154
dissolved in oceanic euphotic zone, 30
in hydrocarbon combustion,
oxygen-18 isotope, 48
rise of, 49
sources of free oxygen, 46–48
Oxygenated hydrocarbons, 164
Ozone (O
), 2, 8, 11, 127, 155, 156, 158,
159, 163, 164, 165–168, 180,
185–196, 336, 454
column abundance, 186
forcing of greenhouse warming, 454
stratospheric, 2, 8, 11, 185–196
anthropogenically perturbed,
heating rates, 139
measurement of, 186–187
photodissociation of, 11, 127
unperturbed, 185–190
UV absorption by, 11, 185–186
tropospheric, 165–168, 180–181
global distribution, 159, 167
production of, 158, 453
tropospheric versus stratospheric,
Ozone hole, 2, 11, 190–196
p–V diagram, 73
Pacific/North American (PNA)
pattern, 430
Pack ice, 33
seasonal variation, 423–424
Pangaea, 37
Parallel beam radiation, 116
Partial density, 67
Partial pressure, 66
Particle number distributions, 174–176
Particle surface area distributions, 176
Particle volume distributions, 175
Particulates, see Aerosols (particles)
Pascal (Pa) unit, 5
Passive remote sensing, 139–144
Penetrative downdrafts, 219
Perfect gas, see Ideal gas, equation of state
Permafrost, 34–35
Permian glaciation, 50
Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), 181
pH of rain water, 261, 262
Photochemical reactions, 162n
Photochemical smog, 180–181
Photodissociation, 11, 127
Photoionization, 11, 127
Photon, 127
Photosphere of sun, 421n, 439–441
Photosynthesis, 30, 42–43, 157–158
role in oxidation of Earth system,
Phytoplankton, 30, 157
Pinatubo eruption, 146, 197, 441–442
Planck function, 117
Planck, Max, 117n
Plane-parallel approximation, 136
Planetary rotation
apparent forces due to suppression
of vertical motion, 286
Planetary-scale circulations, 376
Planetary vorticity, 287
Planetary waves, 288
Planets, equivalent blackbody
temperatures of, 120
Planets, neighboring, 56–57
Plate-like ice crystals, 240–241, 246–247
Plate tectonics, 37–38
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