436 Climate Dynamics
their leaves during the daylight hours. Reduced
evapotranspiration inhibits the ability of the plants
to keep themselves and the Earth’s surface beneath
them cool during the middle of the day, when the
incoming solar radiation is strongest, favoring higher
afternoon temperatures and it lower humidity within
the boundary layer. Because boundary-layer air is
the source of roughly half the moisture that con-
denses in summer rainstorms over the central
United States, lower humidity favors reduced pre-
cipitation: a positive feedback. Higher daily maxi-
mum temperatures, lower humidity, and reduced
precipitation all place stress on the plants. If the
stress is sufficiently severe and prolonged, the
changes in plant physiology become irreversible.
Once this threshold is crossed, the earliest hope for
the restoration of normal vegetation is the next
spring growing season, which may be as much as 9
months away. Throughout the remainder of the sum-
mer and early autumn the parched land surface con-
tinues to exert a feedback on the atmosphere that
acts to perpetuate the abnormally hot, dry weather
conditions that caused it in the first place.
The wilting of plants also affects ground hydrology.
In the absence of healthy root systems, ground water
runs off more rapidly after rain storms, leaving less
behind to nurture the plants. Once the water table
drops significantly, an extended period of near or
above normal precipitation is required to restore it.
The remarkable year-to-year persistence of the 1930s
drought attests to the remarkable “memory” of the
vegetation and the ground hydrology. Hence, once
established, an arid climate regime such as the one
that prevailed during the dust bowl appears to be
capable of perpetuating itself until a well-timed series
of rainstorms makes it possible for the vegetation to
regain a foothold.
The onset and termination of the 1930s dust bowl
are examples of abrupt, but reversible regime shifts
between a climate conducive to agriculture and a
more desert-like climate. Such shifts have occurred
rather infrequently over the United States, but more
regularly in semiarid agricultural regions such as the
Sahel, northeast Brazil, and the Middle East. If the
dry regimes are sufficiently frequent or prolonged,
the cumulative loss of topsoil due to wind erosion
makes it increasingly difficult for vegetation to
thrive, and irreversible desertification occurs. The
northward expansion of the Sahara desert during
the last few centuries of the Roman empire could
have involved a series of drought episodes analogous
to the dust bowl.
Fig. 10.24 (Top) Schematic showing trade winds (red arrows)
maintaining equatorial upwelling and the slope of the equato-
rial thermocline. (Bottom) Response of equatorial sea-level,
currents, and thermocline depth to an abrupt weakening of
the trade winds. [From NOAA Reports to the Nation: El Niño
and Climate Prediction, University Corporation for Atmospheric
Research (1994) pp. 12, 14.]
anomalously hot and dry, with daily maxima often
in excess of 40 °C, as shown in Fig. 10.28. Large
quantities of topsoil were irreversibly lost—blown
away in dust storms that darkened skies from the
Great Plains as far downstream as the eastern
The ENSO cycle modulates the frequency of
drought. Over most tropical continents, drought
tends to occur more frequently during the warm
phase of the ENSO cycle, whereas in the extratropi-
cal summer hemisphere it tends to occur somewhat
more frequently during the cold phase. The ENSO
connection notwithstanding, many of the droughts
on timescales of seasons to years appear to be initi-
ated and terminated by random fluctuations in
atmospheric circulation, and sustained over long
periods of time by positive feedbacks from the bios-
phere. A few weeks of abnormally hot, dry weather
are sufficient to dry the upper layers of the soil,
reducing the water available for plants to absorb
through their root systems. The plants respond by
reducing the rate of evapotranspiration through
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