10.3 Climate Equilibria, Sensitivity, and Feedbacks 447
and the mass of the continental ice sheets responds to
imbalances between accumulation and melting on a
similar timescale. Exchanges of energy with these
reservoirs are reflected in small, but measurable imbal-
ances in the net radiation at the top of the atmosphere.
Coincidentally, the warming of the oceans is reflected
in a rise of sea level due to the expansion of water as it
warms, and the shrinkage of the continental ice sheets
causes an additional sea level rise due to the increase
of the mass of the oceans. Hence, measurements of sea
level change can be used to constrain estimates of the
rate of energy exchange with these reservoirs.
Because the exchange of energy between the atmos-
phere and the larger reservoirs in the Earth system
takes place gradually, rather than instantaneously, the
response to climate forcing is felt almost immediately.
However, the full, equilibrium response to a prescribed
steady-state forcing is not realized until these large
reservoirs have had time to equilibrate with the forc-
ing. For example, if atmospheric CO
were to continue to rise at their present rate until they
double (relative to preindustrial concentrations) some
time late in the 21st century and remain constant after
that, the transient response observed at the time of
the doubling would not be as large as the equilibrium
response observed several centuries later.
10.3.2 Climate Feedbacks
It is the sum of the feedback factors f
that determine
the climate sensitivity. Here we consider the contri-
butions of some of the more important individual
feedback factors to that sum, including ones that
might be negative.
a. Water vapor feedback
As a consequence of the Clausius–Clapeyron equa-
tion (see Section 3.7.3), the saturation vapor pressure
of water increases exponentially with temperature at a
rate of 7% K
in the temperature range of interest.
If the distribution of relative humidity were to remain
constant as the temperature rises, atmospheric water
vapor concentrations would increase with tempera-
ture at a roughly comparable rate. Higher concentra-
tions of water vapor, the atmosphere’s most important
greenhouse gas, favor higher surface air temperatures.
Based on relatively straightforward radiative transfer
calculations under the assumption of constant relative
humidity, the feedback factor for this process is esti-
mated to be 0.5, which, from (10.10), corresponds to
a gain of 2 (i.e., a doubling of the response of T
to a
prescribed forcing F) if no other feedback processes
were operative.
Due to the nonlinearity of the Clausius–Clapeyron
equation (3.92) the strength of the water vapor feed-
back increases with temperature. If the radiative
forcing ever became strong enough to raise the
tropical sea-surface temperature from its present
value of 28 °C to above 60 °C, the feedback factor
would approach unity, setting the stage for a runaway
greenhouse. Such a catastrophe, which may have
occurred on Venus, would ultimately lead to the
evaporation of the entire world’s oceans, creating a
massive atmosphere consisting mostly of steam, with
surface temperatures in excess of 1000 K!
The timescale of the atmospheric branch of the
hydrological cycle is so short that the water vapor
feedback can be considered to be virtually instan-
taneous. It sets in rapidly enough to come into play
even in the transient response to impulsive forcing
such as volcanic eruptions. A by-product of the
enhanced water vapor feedback is the intensification
of the hydrologic cycle. Climate models indicate that
in a warmer world, when it rains it rains harder, and
evaporation is also more rapid.
b. Cloud forcing and feedbacks
Clouds reflect a fraction of the solar radiation that
would otherwise be absorbed at the Earth’s surface
and they also contribute to the greenhouse effect. The
relative importance of these two competing effects is
largely determined by the height and by the optical
thickness of the clouds in the shortwave part of the
spectrum. For deep cloud layers, such as those typically
associated with tropical convection, the two effects
nearly cancel one another so that the net radiative
cloud forcing is small. In contrast, more reflective cloud
decks at the top of the planetary boundary layer,
whose tops are typically only 10 °C colder than the
underlying water or land surface, contribute much
more strongly to the albedo than to the greenhouse
effect, and thus produce a large negative net radiative
forcing (Fig. 10.37). If the areal coverage of these cloud
decks were to increase as the climate warmed, that
would constitute a negative feedback on global-mean
surface air temperature. However, of the coverage
were to decrease as the climate warms, that would
constitute a positive feedback.
Stratus and stratocumulus decks tend to occur in
regions of subsidence in which the sea surface and
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