160 Atmospheric Chemistry
above the surface of the liquid. The partial pressure
of CO
in air is 3.79 10
atm (see Table 5.1).
d. In situ formation
In situ formation, which refers to the formation of
chemical species by chemical reactions in the atmos-
phere, is a major source of many important atmos-
pheric trace constituents. Most such gaseous reactions
are initiated by photolysis involving radicals and occur
by uni-, bi- and termolecular reactions.
In situ chemical reactions can be classified as homo-
geneous or heterogeneous.A homogeneous reaction is
one in which all of the reactants are in the same phase.
For example, the reaction
which is a major source of the nitrate radical (NO
in the atmosphere, is a homogeneous gas-phase
reaction.A heterogeneous reaction is one involving
reactants in two or more phases. The mixing of
an inorganic aerosol [e.g., sulfuric acid (H
) or
nitric acid (HNO
)] with organic compounds (e.g.,
aldehydes), which can appreciably increase the rate
of aerosol growth, is an example of a heterogeneous
Trace gases emitted from the biosphere, solid
Earth, and oceans are generally in a reduced (low)
oxidation state (e.g., hydrocarbons, ammonia, hydro-
gen sulfide), but they are oxidized (i.e., raised to
a higher oxidation state) by in situ reactions in the
e. Anthropogenic sources
We will discuss anthropogenic (i.e., human) sources of
gases and particles in Sections 5.5 and 5.6. However,
it is important to note here that anthropogenic
sources play significant roles in the budgets of many
important trace gases in the atmosphere (Table 5.2).
As a result of increasing populations, anthropogenic
emissions of a number of important trace gases have
increased significantly over the past century. As a
consequence, the extent of human influences on the
(g) O
(g) : NO
(g) O
1.29 10
mol liter
(3.40 10
mol liter
)(3.79 10
atmosphere is one of the main themes of current
research in atmospheric chemistry.
5.2.2 Transport
In the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) the atmos-
phere interacts directly with the Earth’s surface
through turbulent mixing. Consequently, during the
day over land, chemicals in the ABL are generally
well mixed up to a height of 1–2 km. The dilution
of chemical compounds by turbulent mixing is less
efficient at night when the ABL depth is usually a
few hundred meters or less. Over the oceans, the
diurnal cycle is much less apparent.
If a chemical that originates from the Earth’s surface
is not returned to the surface or transformed by in situ
reactions in the ABL, it will eventually pass into the
free troposphere. Once in the free troposphere, chemi-
cals with long residence times are carried along with
the global circulation pattern. For example, in midlati-
tudes, where the winds are generally from west to east
and have speeds of 10–30 m s
,a chemical injected
into the atmosphere from a “point source,” such as a
volcano, will become distributed fairly uniformly longi-
tudinally around the latitude belt within a few weeks.
Since the transport of tropospheric air across the trop-
ics is relatively restricted, so is the transport of chemi-
cals. It follows that the chemistry of the troposphere in
the northern hemisphere is more strongly affected by
emissions from the use of fossil fuels than the chem-
istry of the southern hemisphere; the latter reflects
more the effects of emissions from the oceans and
from biomass burning. Transport is also restricted
between the free troposphere and the stratosphere;
most of the upward transport is in the tropics, and most
of the downward transport is in higher latitudes. Never-
theless, as shown in Section 5.7.2, certain long-lived
chemicals of anthropogenic origin can accumulate in
the stratosphere, where they can have major effects.
Satellite observations provide strong evidence for
the transport of tropospheric gases and particles. For
example, satellite observations reveal large plumes
of particles off the east coasts of the United States
and Asia, enormous dust plumes carried westward
from the Sahara Desert over the Atlantic Ocean, and
large smoke plumes from regions of biomass burn-
ing. During the winter monsoon (December through
April), a plume of pollutants extends from the south-
west coast of India over the Indian Ocean. In spring
and summer, dust and pollutants are transported
from sources in Asia across the north Pacific Ocean.
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