4.5 Radiative Transfer in Planetary Atmospheres 143
the early instruments used for operational remote
temperatures sensing. The locations of the channels
with respect to the emission spectrum, shown in
the inset, span a range of absorptances within the
broad CO
absorption band centered near
600–750 cm
). The channels are numbered in
order of decreasing absorptance. The weighting func-
tions for channels 1 and 2 peak in the stratosphere.
The weighting function for channel 3, which exhibits
the lowest radiance in the spectrum, straddles the
tropopause level, but because of the substantial depth
of its weighting function, its brightness temperature
is substantially higher than the tropopause tempera-
ture. The weighting function for channel 4 peaks in
the middle troposphere and those for channels 5
and 6 peak at or near the Earth’s surface. Note the
high degree of overlap (or redundancy) between
the weighting functions, especially those for channels
5 and 6.
Well-mixed trace gases are well suited for remote
temperature sensing because it can be assured that
the variations in the radiances from one sounding to
another are mainly due to differences in the vertical
profile of B
rather than to differences in the verti-
cal profiles of the concentrations of the absorbing
constituents. In the foregoing example, the differ-
ences in absorptivity among the six channels are
dominated by features in the absorption spectrum
of CO
Over much of the globe the interpretation of
satellite-sensed radiation in the infrared region
of the spectrum is complicated by the presence of
cloud layers. To circumvent this problem, several
operational instruments have been designed that
make use of radiation emitted by oxygen molecules
in the microwave region of the spectrum at frequen-
cies around 55 GHz, in which clouds are nearly
transparent. In interpreting microwave radiances it
is necessary to take into account variations in the
emissivity of the Earth’s surface, which are much
larger than those for infrared radiation. Emissivities
over land range from close to 1 for vegetated or dry
surfaces to below 0.8 for wet surfaces. Emissivities
over water average 0.5 and vary with surface
roughness. Remote sensing in the microwave region
of the spectrum is also used to infer the distribu-
tions of precipitation and surface winds over the
c. Retrieval of temperatures from radiances
There are two fundamentally different approaches to
retrieving a temperature sounding from the radi-
ances in a suite of channels on a satellite instrument:
one involves solving the radiative transfer equation
and the other is based on a statistical analysis of the
relationships between the radiances in the various
channels and the temperatures at various atmos-
pheric levels along the path of the radiation. Both
approaches are subject to the inherent limitations in
the vertical resolution that is achievable with remote
temperature soundings.
The appeal of the radiative transfer approach for
retrieving temperatures from radiances is that it
requires no prior data on the relationship between
the radiances measured by the instrument and in situ
temperature measurements. It is therefore the only
method applicable to atmospheric soundings on
planets lacking in situ measurements. An approxi-
mate solution to the radiative transfer equation can
be obtained by representing the atmosphere in terms
of n isothermal layers with its own temperature T
Rewriting (4.58) as
where W
is the weighting function for radiation
emitted from the Earth’s surface, W
is the effective
weighting function for the atmospheric emission in
the nth atmospheric layer, and B
) is the radiance
in the ith channel emitted by a blackbody at temper-
ature T
. The resulting set of equations, one for each
channel, in which the I
are measured and the W
are estimated from (4.59) can be solved by a non-
linear iterative scheme
to obtain the temperatures
that yield the appropriate blackbody emissions.
Because of measurement errors, a constraint needs
to be applied in the retrieval process.
The statistical approach is less computationally
intensive than the radiative transfer approach. Other
advantages are that it takes into account the system-
atic biases and random error characteristics of the
radiance measurements and it offers the option of
combining radiance measurements with in situ tem-
perature measurements and other pertinent observa-
tional data. The radiances in the channels measured
by a satellite-borne instrument are used to estimate
See K. N. Liou, An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation, Academic Press, p. 391 (2002).
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