4.3 Blackbody Radiation 121
4.3.5 Kirchhoff’s Law
law states that
To understand the basis for this relationship, consider
an object (or medium) fully enclosed within a cavity
with interior walls that radiates as a blackbody.
Every point on the surface of the object is exchang-
ing radiation with the walls of the cavity. The object
and the walls of the cavity are in radiative equilib-
rium. Hence the second law of thermodynamics
requires that they be at the same temperature. The
radiation incident on the object at a particular wave-
coming from a particular direction is given
by the Planck function (4.10). The fraction
of that
incident radiation is absorbed. Because the system is
in radiative equilibrium, the same monochromatic
intensity must be returned from the body at each
wavelength and along each ray path. Because the
object and the walls of the cavity are at the same
temperature, it follows that at all wavelengths its
emissivity must be the same as its absorptivity.
Because absorptivity and emissivity are intrinsic
properties of matter, Kirchhoff postulated that the
should hold even when the object is
removed from the cavity and placed in a field of radi-
ation that is not isotropic, and with which it is not
necessarily in radiative equilibrium. Additional
rationalizations of Kirchhoff’s law are provided in
Exercises 4.35–4.38.
Kirchhoff’s law is applicable to gases, provided that
the frequency of molecular collisions is much larger
than the frequency with which molecules absorb and
emit radiation in the vicinity of the electromagnetic
spectrum near the wavelength of interest. When this
condition is satisfied, the gas is said to be in local ther-
modynamic equilibrium (LTE). In the Earth’s atmos-
phere LTE prevails below altitudes of 60 km.
4.3.6 The Greenhouse Effect
Solar and terrestrial radiation occupy different ranges
of the electromagnetic spectrum that we have been
referring to as shortwave and longwave. For reasons
explained in the next section, water vapor, carbon
dioxide, and other gases whose molecules have electric
dipole moments absorb radiation more strongly in the
longwave part of the spectrum occupied by outgoing
terrestrial radiation than the shortwave part occupied
by incoming solar radiation.This distinction is reflected
in the transmissivity spectra of the atmosphere shown
in the lower part of Fig. 4.7. Hence, incoming solar
radiation passes through the atmosphere quite freely,
whereas terrestrial radiation emitted from the Earth’s
surface is absorbed and reemitted in its upward pas-
sage through the atmosphere. The following highly
simplified exercise shows how the presence of such
greenhouse gases in a planetary atmosphere tends to
warm the surface of the planet.
Exercise 4.8 The Earth-like planet considered in
Exercise 4.6 has an atmosphere consisting of multi-
ple isothermal layers, each of which is transparent to
shortwave radiation and completely opaque to long-
wave radiation. The layers and the surface of the
planet are in radiative equilibrium. How is the sur-
face temperature of the planet affected by the pres-
ence of this atmosphere?
Solution: Begin by considering an atmosphere com-
posed of a single isothermal layer. Because the layer is
opaque in the longwave part of the spectrum, the
equivalent blackbody temperature of the planet corre-
sponds to the temperature of the atmosphere. Hence,
the atmosphere must emit F units radiation to space
as a blackbody to balance the F units of incoming
solar radiation transmitted downward through the top
of the atmosphere. Because the layer is isothermal, it
also emits F units of radiation in the downward direc-
tion. Hence, the downward radiation at the surface of
the planet is F units of incident solar radiation plus F
units of longwave radiation emitted from the atmos-
phere, a total of 2F units, which must be balanced by
an upward emission of 2F units of longwave radiation
from the surface. Hence, from the Stefan–Boltzmann
law (4.12) the temperature of the surface of the planet
is 303 K, i.e., 48 K higher than it would be in the
absence of an atmosphere, and the temperature of the
atmosphere is the same as the temperature of the sur-
face of the planet calculated in Exercise 4.6.
If a second isothermal, opaque layer is added, as
illustrated in Fig. 4.9, the flux density of downward
radiation incident upon the lower layer will be 2F
Gustav Kirchhoff (1824–1887) German physicist; professor at the University of Breslau. In addition to his work in radiation, he made
fundamental discoveries in electricity and spectroscopy. Discovered cesium and iridium.
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