major types of N-linked oligosaccharides have been identified,
high mannose, complex,and hybrid oligosaccharides,all of which
contain a common pentasaccharide core. Studies of glycoprotein
formation have been facilitated by the use of antibiotics, such as
tunicamycin and bacitracin, which inhibit specific enzymes in-
volved in the synthesis of these oligosaccharides.
O-Linked oligosaccharides are synthesized in the Golgi ap-
paratus by sequential attachments of specific monosaccharide
units to certain Ser or Thr residues. Carbohydrate components
of glycoproteins are thought to act as recognition markers for
the transport of glycoproteins to their proper cellular destina-
tions and for cell–cell and antibody recognition. The GPI mem-
brane anchor is appended to proteins on the luminal surface of
the endoplasmic reticulum, thereby targeting GPI-anchored
proteins to the external surface of the plasma membrane.
4 The Pentose Phosphate Pathway The cell uses NAD
in oxidative reactions and employs NADPH in reductive
biosynthesis. NADPH is synthesized by the pentose phos-
phate pathway, an alternate mode of glucose oxidation. This
pathway also synthesizes R5P for use in nucleotide biosynthe-
sis.The first three reactions of the pentose phosphate pathway
involve oxidation of G6P to Ru5P with release of CO
and for-
mation of two NADPH molecules. This is followed by reac-
tions that either isomerize Ru5P to R5P or epimerize it to
Xu5P. Each molecule of R5P not required for nucleotide
biosynthesis, together with two Xu5P, is converted to two
molecules of F6P and one molecule of GAP via the sequential
actions of transketolase, transaldolase, and, again, transketo-
lase. The products of the pentose phosphate pathway depend
on the needs of the cell. The F6P and GAP may be metabo-
lized through glycolysis and the citric acid cycle or recycled via
gluconeogenesis. If NADPH is in excess, the latter portion of
the pentose phosphate pathway may be reversed to synthesize
R5P from glycolytic intermediates. The pentose phosphate
pathway is controlled at its first committed step, the glucose-6-
phosphate dehydrogenase reaction, by the NADP
tion. A genetic deficiency in glucose-6-phosphate dehydroge-
nase leads to hemolytic anemia on administration of the
antimalarial drug primaquine. This X-linked deficiency, which
results from the accelerated degradation of the mutant en-
zyme, provides resistance against severe malaria to female
heterozygotes and male hemizygotes for this sex-linked trait.
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