b. eNOS and nNOS but Not iNOS Are
Regulated by [Ca
–calmodulin activates eNOS and nNOS by binding
to the ⬃30-residue segments linking their oxygenase and
reductase domains. Thus, for example, the stimulatory ac-
tion of vasodilatory agents on the phosphoinositide signal-
ing system (Section 19-4A) in endothelial cells to produce
an influx of Ca
results in the synthesis of NO. Hence, NO
functions to transduce hormonally induced increases in in-
tracellular [Ca
] in endothelial cells to increased rates of
production of cGMP in neighboring smooth muscle cells.
NO produced by nNOS mediates vasodilation through
endothelium-independent neural stimulation of smooth
muscle. In this signal transduction pathway, which is re-
sponsible for the dilation of cerebral and other arteries as
well as penile erection (see Section 19-2E), nerve impulses
cause an increased [Ca
] in nerve terminals, thereby stim-
ulating neuronal NOS. The resultant NO diffuses to nearby
smooth muscle cells, where it binds to guanylate cyclase
and activates it to synthesize cGMP as described above.
Inducible NOS (iNOS) is unresponsive to Ca
though it has two tightly bound calmodulin subunits. How-
ever, it is transcriptionally induced in macrophages and
neutrophils (white blood cells that function to ingest and
kill bacteria), as well as in endothelial and smooth muscle
cells (in contrast, eNOS and nNOS are expressed constitu-
tively, that is, at a constant rate). Several hours after expo-
sure to cytokines (protein growth factors that regulate the
differentiation, proliferation, and activities of many types
of cells; Section 19-3Eb) and/or endotoxins (bacterial cell
wall lipopolysaccharides that elicit inflammatory re-
sponses; Section 35-2Fb), these cells begin to produce large
quantities of NO and continue to do so for many hours.Ac-
tivated macrophages and neutrophils also produce super-
oxide ion (O
), which chemically combines with NO to
form the even more toxic peroxynitrite (OONO
, which
rapidly reacts with H
O to yield the highly reactive hydrox-
ide radical, OHⴢ, and NO
) that they use to kill ingested
bacteria. Indeed, NOS inhibitors block the cytotoxic ac-
tions of macrophages.
Cytokines and endotoxins induce a long-lasting and
profound vasodilation and a poor response to vasocon-
strictors such as epinephrine. The sustained release of NO
has been implicated in septic shock (an often fatal immune
system overreaction to bacterial infection that results in a
catastrophic reduction in blood pressure), in inflamma-
tion-related tissue damage as occurs in autoimmune dis-
eases such as rheumatoid arthritis, and in the damage to
neurons in the vicinity of but not directly killed by a stroke
(reperfusion injury; Section 10-1Aa). Many of these condi-
tions might be alleviated if drugs can be developed that se-
lectively inhibit iNOS and/or nNOS, while permitting
eNOS to carry out its essential function of maintaining
vascular tone. Moreover, the administration of NO itself
appears to be medically useful. For example, the inhala-
tion of low levels NO has been used to reduce pulmonary
hypertension (high blood pressure in the lung, an often fa-
tal condition caused by constriction of its arteries) in new-
born infants.
We have seen (Section 18-3) that hormones such as
glucagon and epinephrine regulate glycogen metabolism
by stimulating adenylate cyclase (AC) to synthesize the
second messenger cAMP from ATP. The cAMP then
binds to protein kinase A (PKA) so as to activate this en-
zyme to initiate cascades of phosphorylation/dephospho-
rylation events that ultimately control the activities of
glycogen phosphorylase and glycogen synthase. Numer-
ous other extracellular signaling molecules (known ago-
nists, ligands, or effectors) also activate the intracellular
synthesis of cAMP, thereby eliciting a cellular response.
But what is the mechanism through which the binding of
an agonist to a receptor induces AC to synthesize cAMP
in the cytosol? In answering this question we shall see
that the systems that link receptors to AC as well as other
effectors have a surprising complexity that endows them
with immense capacity for both signal amplification and
regulatory flexibility.
A. Overview
See Guided Exploration 16: Mechanisms of hormone signaling in-
volving the adenylate cyclase system Adenylate cyclase, which is
located on the plasma membrane’s cytosolic surface, and
the receptors that activate it, whose agonist-binding sites
are exposed to the extracellular space, are separate pro-
teins that do not physically interact. Rather, they are func-
tionally coupled by heterotrimeric G proteins (Fig. 19-14),
so called because they specifically bind the guanine nu-
cleotides GTP and GDP.
AC is activated by a heterotrimeric G protein (often
called just a G protein) but only when the G protein is
complexed with GTP. However, G protein slowly hy-
drolyzes GTP to GDP ⫹ P
(at the leisurely rate of 2–3
) and thereby deactivates itself (if G proteins were
efficient enzymes, they would be unable to effectively acti-
vate AC). G protein is reactivated by the exchange of its
bound GDP for GTP, a process that is mediated by the
agonist–receptor complex but not by unoccupied receptor.
Heterotrimeric G protein therefore mediates the transduc-
tion of an extracellular signal to an intracellular signal (the
cAMP). Moreover, the receptor–G protein–AC system am-
plifies the extracellular signal because each agonist–receptor
complex activates many G proteins before it is inactivated
by the spontaneous dissociation of the agonist and, during
its lifetime,each G protein ⴢ GTP–AC complex catalyzes the
formation of many cAMP molecules. In this section, we dis-
cuss how this process occurs.
Heterotrimeric G proteins are members of the super-
family of regulatory GTPases that are collectively known
as G proteins (whether one is referring to a heterotrimeric
or some other species of G protein is usually clear from
context). G proteins other than heterotrimeric G proteins
have a wide variety of essential functions including signal
transduction (e.g., Ras; Section 19-3Cf), vesicle trafficking
(e.g.,Arf, dynamin, and Rab; Sections 12-4Cd and 12-4Db),
translation (as ribosomal accessory factors; Section 32-3),
and targeting [as components of the signal recognition
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