where I is the competing ligand whose dissociation con-
stant with the receptor is expressed:
Thus, in direct analogy with the derivation of the equation
describing competitive inhibition:
The relative affinities of a ligand and an inhibitor may
therefore be determined by dividing Eq. [19.6] in the pres-
ence of inhibitor with that in the absence of inhibitor:
When this ratio is 0.5 (50% inhibition),the competitor con-
centration is referred to as [I
] in analogy with the [IC
] of
drugs that inhibit enzymes (Section 15-4Aa). Thus, solving
Eq. [19.7] for K
at 50% inhibition:
B. Pancreatic Islet Hormones
The pancreas is a large glandular organ, the bulk of which
is an exocrine gland dedicated to producing digestive en-
zymes such as trypsin, RNase A, -amylase, and phospholi-
pase A
that it secretes via the pancreatic duct into the
small intestine. However, ⬃1 to 2% of pancreatic tissue
consists of scattered clumps of cells known as islets of
Langerhans, which comprise an endocrine gland that func-
tions to maintain energy metabolite homeostasis. Pancre-
atic islets contain three types of cells, each of which se-
cretes a characteristic polypeptide hormone:
1. The cells secrete glucagon (29 residues; Section
2. The cells secrete insulin (51 residues; Fig. 9-4).
3. The cells secrete somatostatin (14 residues).
Insulin, which is secreted in response to high blood glucose
levels, primarily functions to stimulate muscle, liver, and
adipose cells to store glucose for later use by synthesizing
glycogen, protein, and fat (Section 27-2). Glucagon, which
is secreted in response to low blood glucose, has essentially
the opposite effects: It stimulates liver to release glucose
through glycogenolysis (Section 18-3E) and gluconeogene-
sis (Section 23-1) and it stimulates adipose tissue to release
fatty acids through lipolysis. Somatostatin, which is also se-
creted by the hypothalamus (Section 19-1H), inhibits the
release of insulin and glucagon from their islet cells and is
[R L]
[R L]
b [L]
[R L]
b [L]
[R I]
therefore thought to have a paracrine function in the
Polypeptide hormones, as are other proteins destined
for secretion, are ribosomally synthesized as preprohor-
mones, processed in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and
Golgi apparatus to form the mature hormone, and then
packaged in secretory granules to await the signal for their
release by exocytosis (Sections 12-4B, 12-4C, and 12-4D).
The most potent physiological stimuli for the release of in-
sulin and glucagon are, respectively, high and low blood
glucose concentrations, so that islet cells act as the body’s
primary glucose sensors. However, the release of these hor-
mones is also influenced by the autonomic (involuntary)
nervous system and by hormones secreted by the gastroin-
testinal tract (Section 19-1C).
C. Gastrointestinal Hormones
The digestion and absorption of nutrients are compli-
cated processes that are regulated by the autonomic nerv-
ous system in concert with a complex system of polypep-
tide hormones. Indeed, gastrointestinal peptide hormones
are secreted into the bloodstream by a system of special-
ized cells lining the gastrointestinal tract whose aggregate
mass is greater than that of the rest of the endocrine sys-
tem. Over 20 gastrointestinal hormones have been de-
scribed. Four of the better characterized gastrointestinal
hormones are:
1. Gastrin (17 residues), which is produced by the gastric
mucosa, stimulates the gastric secretion of HCl and
pepsinogen (the zymogen of the digestive protease pepsin).
Gastrin release is stimulated by amino acids and partially
digested protein as well as by the vagus nerve (which inner-
vates the stomach) in response to stomach distension.
Gastrin release is inhibited by HCl and by other gastroin-
testinal hormones.
2. Secretin (27 residues), which is produced by the mu-
cosa of the duodenum (upper small intestine) in response
to acidification by gastric HCl, stimulates the pancreatic se-
cretion of so as to neutralize this acid.
3. Cholecystokinin (CCK; 8 residues), which is pro-
duced by the duodenum, stimulates gallbladder emptying,
the pancreatic secretion of digestive enzymes and
(and thus enhances the effect of secretin), and inhibits gas-
tric emptying. CCK is released in response to the products
of lipid and protein digestion, that is, fatty acids, monoacyl-
glycerols, amino acids, and peptides.
4. Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP, also known as glucose-
dependent insulinotropic polypeptide; 42 residues), which
is produced by specialized cells lining the small intestine, is
a potent inhibitor of gastric acid secretion, gastric mobility,
and gastric emptying. However, GIP’s major physiological
function is to stimulate pancreatic insulin release. Indeed,
the release of GIP is stimulated by the presence of glucose
in the gut, which accounts for the observation that, after a
meal, the blood insulin level increases before the blood
glucose level does.
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