106 3 Probability, Conditional Probability, and Bayes’ Rule
input from at least one of the L cells is needed for the V simple cell to
respond with certainty. The V simple cell will not respond if the input there
from L cells is absent.
The following questions may need the support of WinBUGS.
(a) What is the probability of the V cell responding given that event S (light
stimulus present) has occurred?
(b) Assume that L
and R
have fired. What is the probability of S?
(c) Assume that V responded. What is the probability of S?
birthday.m, bridge.m, circuit.m, ComplexCircuit.m, demere.m, die.m,
inclusionexclusion.m, mistery.m, rollingdie1.m, rollingdie2.m,
sheriff.m, twoheaded.m,
alarm.odc, asia.odc, circuit1.odc, DeMere.odc,
misterioustransfers.odc, pima.odc, sprinkler.odc,
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