3.10 Exercises 97
(c) Approximate the probability in (a) by WinBUGS simulations.
3.4. De Mere Paradoxes. In 1654 the Chevalier de Mere asked Blaise Pascal
(1623–1662) the following two questions:
(a) Why would it be advantageous in a game of dice to bet on the occurrence
of a 6 in 4 trials but not advantageous in a game involving two dice to bet
on the occurrence of a double 6 in 24 trials?
(b) In playing a game with three dice, why is a sum of 11 more advantageous
than a sum of 12 when both sums are the result of six configurations:
11: (1, 4, 6), (1, 5, 5), (2, 3, 6), (2, 4, 5), (3, 3, 5), (3, 4, 4);
12: (1, 5, 6), (2, 4, 6), (2, 5, 5), (3, 3, 6), (3, 4, 5), (4, 4, 4)?
How would you respond to the Chevalier?
3.5. Probabilities of Some Composite Events. Show that for arbitrary
events A, B,
P(A∆B) =P(A ∪B) −P(AB) =P(A) +P(B)−2P(AB);
P(A∆B) ≥|P(A) −P(B)|.
(c) For arbitrary event C,
P(AC∆BC) ≤P(A∆B) and
(d) (
P(A) +P(B))
≤P(A ∪B) ≤P(A) +P(B).
3.6. Deighton’s Novel. In his World War II historical novel Bomber Len
Dieghton argues that a pilot is “mathematically certain” to be shot down
in 50 missions if the probability of being shot down on each mission is 0.02.
(a) Assuming independence of outcomes in each mission, is Deighton’s rea-
soning correct?
(b) Find the probability of surviving all 50 missions without being shot
3.7. Reliable System from Unreliable Components. NASA is asking you
to design a system that reliably performs a task on a space shuttle in the
next 3 years with probability of 0.999999
= 1 −10
. In other words, the
probability of failing during the next three years should not exceed one in a
million. However, at your disposal you have components that in the next 3
years will fail with a probability of 0.2. Luckily, the weight and price of the
components are not an issue and you can combine/link them to increase the
system’s reliability.
(a) Should you link the components in a serial or parallel fashion to increase
the probability of reliable performance?
(b) What minimal number of components should be linked as in (a) to satisfy
NASA’s requirement of 0.999999 probability of reliable performance?
3.8. k-out-of-n Systems. Suppose that n independent components constitute
an engineering system. The system is called a k-out-of-n system if it works
only when k or more components are operational. This particular system
has four components that are operational with probabilities 0.1,0.8,0.5, and
0.4. If the system is a 2-out-of-4, what is the probability that it works?