124 4 Sensitivity, Specificity, and Relatives
Notice that you can improve the sensitivity by moving the threshold to a
higher T4 value; that is, you can make the criterion for a positive test less
strict. You can improve the specificity by moving the threshold to a lower
T4 value; that is, you can make the criterion for a positive test more strict.
Thus, there is a tradeoff between sensitivity and specificity.
(a) For the test that uses T4
=7 as the threshold, find the sensitivity, speci-
ficity, positive and negative predictive values, likelihood ratio, and degree
of agreement. You can use the code
(b) Using the given thresholds for the test to be positive, plot the ROC curve.
What threshold would you recommend? Explain your choice.
(c) Find the area under the ROC curve. You can use the code
4.3. Alzheimer’s. A medical research team wished to evaluate a proposed
screening test for Alzheimer’s disease. The test was given to a random sam-
ple of 450 patients with Alzheimer’s disease and to an independent sample
of 500 subjects without symptoms of the disease.
The two samples were drawn from a population of subjects who are 65 years
old or older. The results are as follows:
Test result diagnosis Diagnosed Alzheimer’s, D No Alzheimer’s symptoms, D
Positive test T 436 5 441
Negative test T
14 495 509
Total 450 500 950
(a) Using the numbers from the table, estimate P(T|D) and P(T
). Inter-
pret these probabilities in terms of the problem.
The probability of D (prevalence) is the rate of the disease in the rele-
vant population (
≥65 y.o.) and is estimated to be 11.3% (Evans 1990). Find
P(D|T) (positive predicted value) using Bayes’ rule. You cannot find P(D|T)
using information from the table only – you need external info.
4.4. Test for Being a Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Carrier.
In Exercise
2.16 researchers used measures of pyruvate kinase and lactate dehydrogi-
nase to assess an individual’s carrier status. The following table closely
follows the authors’ report.
Woman carrier Woman not carrier Total
Test positive 56 6 62
Test negative 11 121 132
total 67 127 194
(a) Find the sensitivity, specificity, and degree of agreement.
The sample is not representative of the general population for which the
prevalence of carriers is 0.03%, or 3 in 10,000.
(b) With this information, find the PPV of the test, that is, the probability
that a woman is a DMD carrier if she tested positive.
(c) What is the PPV if the table was constructed from a random sample of
194 subjects from a general population?