relieved by misfit dislocations. The route to this state is quite complicated, but can be
understood qualitatively by reference to figure 5.3(a). The equilibrium Ge layer thick-
ness has been measured, after annealing, to be 3ML (Copel et al. 1989). But it is pos-
sible to grow much thicker coherent layers kinetically, or by using a surfactant; the
first islands to form are also coherent with the underlying layers, not dislocated
(Eaglesham & Cerullo 1990, Krishnamurthy et al. 1991, Williams et al. 1991).
The growth of this system, and the inverse Si/Ge(001), and the growth of SiGe alloys
for practical devices are sufficiently important topics to warrant reprint collections,
review articles and book chapters of their own (Stoneham & Jain 1995, Whall & Parker
1998, Hull & Stach 1999). For practical strained layer devices, there is a strong inter-
est in suppressing island formation, which is practicable when alloys with low enough
Ge content are used, or when alternating Si and Ge layers are thin enough. In the first
few MLs 23n reconstructions, with n⬃8–12, are observed when monitoring the
growth of Ge/Si by RHEED (Köhler et al. 1992). STM has shown that these structures
consist of rows of dimer vacancies (Chen et al. 1994) which both relieve and respond
to surface stresses.
But the growth process of most interest is the evolution of the islands, in competi-
tion with further growth of layers, and the instabilities which result at relatively high
Ge content, or in the limit using pure Ge and Si layers. Here a large literature has been
created, studying island densities and size distributions. Bimodal size distributions,
some of them quite narrow can be created, which themselves may be of interest as
quantum dot structures. As seen in TEM pictures, taken ex situ after UHV prepara-
tion, the smaller Ge islands are strongly strained as shown in figure 7.13(a). The strong
black–white contrast is due to the bending of the substrate (Si) lattice caused by the
Ge island, and indicates a radial strain, which also has a component normal to the sub-
strate. This strain is relieved somewhat in the dislocated islands, which rapidly grow
much larger. An individual dislocated island, observed in UHV SEM and UHV STEM
is shown in figure 7.13(b) and (c). The higher secondary electron contrast from the
ridges shows up the facetting in (b); moiré patterns in (c) indicate the presence of misfit
dislocations between the island and the substrate.
The facets have been subsequently characterized principally by AFM and STM, and
various shape transitions identified, both with and without surfactants (Horn-von
Hogen et al. 1993, Floro et al. 1997, 1998), and by in situ TEM (Ross et al. 1998). At
deposition temperatures above 500°C, where surface diffusion is rapid, the size to
which these coherent islands grow is markedly dependent on the presence of other
sinks within the diffusion distance. Dislocated islands can be nucleated, preferentially
from the larger coherent islands, or at impurity particles; once nucleated these islands
form the strongest sinks, they grow rapidly and the supersaturation in the (
.3 ML)
Ge layer reduces. At a temperature of 500°C, diffusion distances are of order 5 mm,
whereas below 400°C this figure drops below 0.5 mm. Assuming that the dimer ener-
getics are similar on Ge to that on Si(001), then all these rearrangements on the surface
are occurring via a substantial sea of migrating ad-dimers.
Similar effects are seen when Ge films, grown at room temperature to thicknesses
above 3 ML are annealed at comparable temperatures, although the detailed
250 7 Semiconductor surfaces and interfaces