The thermodynamic background leading to (7.5) is given by Cammarata (1994),
who acknowledges that there has historically been much confusion on this topic. In
addition, his paper describes calculations on the values of surface and interface stresses
in particular materials. For example, noble metals are under positive surface stress if
they have unreconstructed surfaces, because the surface atoms want to immerse them-
selves in a higher electron density to compensate for the loss of neighbors caused by
the surface. The stress of the unreconstructed surfaces is calculated to be much larger
for Au than for Ag; this is consistent, qualitatively at least, with the fact that Au(111)
has the contracted 2331 herringbone structure, and Au(001) the more close-packed
5320 structures described in section 6.1.2, whereas Ag(111) and (001) are both unre-
constructed (Needs et al. 1991). For semiconductors such as Si and Ge(111), the differ-
ent reconstructions are calculated to have different surfaces stresses as well as energies,
and indeed it is thought that the stability of the 737 reconstruction results from partial
compensation of positive and negative stresses between different layers (Meade &
Vanderbilt 1989). However, the point to remember is that the stability of these surfaces
depends on the surface energy, not the stress; the existence of the stress is only a reason
why the surface might want to adopt a different structure.
This situation changes if we apply a stress to the surface by external means; now
work can be done by and on the surface, and the configuration of the surface may
change in response to the applied stress. The 231 reconstruction on Si(001), discussed
in detail in section 1.4.4, is only mirror (2mm) symmetric, and so the surface stress
tensor is not isotropic. Since single-height steps are associated with a switch in domain
orientation, there is a change in surface stress across each step, and this can be por-
trayed as a force monopole F
at each step, alternating in sign between S
and S
and numerically equal to the difference in stress tensor components (
Calculations for Si(001) indicate that the value of
is positive parallel to the dimer
bond direction, and
is negative in the direction perpendicular to it, thus parallel to
the dimer rows. If the steps can move, F
couples to the external strain, work is done,
and the equilibrium domain configuration of the surface changes.
The classic experiment was the observation of changes in domain population on the
Si(001) surface at elevated temperature (⬃625 K) in response to bending a Si wafer,
studied by LEED and STM by Webb and co-workers (Webb 1994) illustrated in figure
7.10. With a surface strain of only 0.1%, the domain population as observed by LEED
half-order intensities was shifted from equal areas to more than a 90–10 distribution
(Men et al. 1988); follow-up studies by STM showed not only this distribution of areas,
but also the statistics of kinks along ledges (Swartzentruber et al. 1989, Webb et al.
1991). A model developed by Alerhand et al. (1990) was the among the first to describe
the elastic and entropic interactions between the steps, and to fit such experiments so
that energies for the direct step–step interactions, and for kink energies on S
and S
steps could be extracted. We should note in passing that the original straining experi-
ments were unsuccessful, since the steps cannot move at room temperature because of
insufficient surface mobility. It is necessary that kinks can move, and that adatoms
and/or ad-dimers can diffuse along and detach from steps for local equilibrium to be
7.3 Stresses and strains in semiconductor film growth 243