the carbon background is largely removed in the Ag difference image (figure 3.27(f)).
Secondary electrons (figure 3.27(e)) show a very similar information to energy selected
images, via the higher secondary yield of Ag. Even more interesting is that, for parti-
cles of size at or below the Auger attenuation length, the number of atoms in the cluster
is measured by the integrated intensity of the particle, rather than the image size of the
particle, and that such images can be internally calibrated, using large particles such as
A in figure 3.27(f). On this basis, it was concluded that particles such as B in this panel
(clearly visible in the original, as all microscopists say) contained ,10 Ag atoms.
We should note that, because of the high yield for Ag MNN Auger electrons, this is
a favorable case; we are still quite a way from detecting arbitrary minority species on
such small particles. Moreover, we are much more likely to be able to detect them first
with a high SNR, qualitative, technique, such as b-SEI, than with low SNR, quantita-
tive AES/SAM. There are more recent illustrations of this point coming from MIDAS.
For example, oxygen KLL at 505 eV has a relatively low Auger yield. Small oxide par-
ticles on copper can be seen very readily in high resolution b-SE images. Indeed the
presence of oxide can be seen in the shape of the (secondary electron) spectrum back-
ground, whereas wide beam Auger declares the surface to be clean (Heim et al. 1993).
This discrepancy is due both to the fact that the oxide particles cover a small fraction
of the surface, and that oxides in general have a very high secondary electron yield.
3.5.4 Towards the highest spatial resolution: (b) scanned probe
Following the revolutionary development of STM by Binnig, Rohrer and co-workers
in 1982–83, it is now almost routine that atomic resolution can be obtained on a wide
variety of samples, and, in contrast to the example described in the last section, many
groups have achieved such resolution, even under UHV conditions. Indeed, these tech-
niques are now so widespread that recent reviews of UHV-based STM have been spe-
cialized to particular materials, e.g. metals (Besenbacher 1996) or semiconductors
(Kubby & Boland 1996, Neddermeyer 1996).
In my lecture courses, the use of spectroscopy in STM (or other scanned probe)
instruments has typically been discussed in a student talk. In principle, such spectro-
scopic information allows one to identify surface atomic species in favorable cases, if
not in general. This is because the STM/STS techniques (Feenstra 1994) probe the
valence and conduction bands, which may be sensitive to atomic species, but are not
chemical specific in the same sense as AES/SAM. This is not unlike the SEM/SAM dis-
tinction; STM/STS may well be able to perform ‘chemical’ identification possible out
of a range of possibilities, due to a combination of atomic resolution and changes of
contrast due to electronic effects, and in particular due to a high SNR.
One of the many amazing positive features of STM/STS is that the probing current
is also the signal, which may be between 1nA and 1pA. In AES/SAM used on a micro-
scopic scale, the probing current may be between 100 nA and 10pA, but the collected
current is down to maybe 100000 times smaller than the probe current, which does not
do good things for the SNR. Thus one typically has to think very carefully about what
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