line is wider because of band broadening, indicated by the N(E) distributions in figures
3.10(b,c). An outline of photoemission models is given by Lüth (1993/5 chapter 6). The
wide range of applications can be appreciated from the early case studies compiled by
Ley & Cardona (1979) and the text by Hüfner (1996).
The third technique illustrated directly in figure 3.10 is AES, which can be excited by
(X-ray) photons or, more usually, electrons. The basic Auger process involves three
electrons, and leaves the atom doubly ionized. In general, XPS and AES are used for
species identification, and core level shifts in XPS can also give chemical state identifi-
cation. AES is routinely used to check surface cleanliness. UPS, especially ARUPS, is
the main technique for determining band structure (of solids, not just the surface) and
can also identify surface states. The surface sensitivity depends primarily on the energy
of the outgoing electron.
Some details about the X-ray sources and monochromators used are given by Lüth
(1993/5, panel 11) where the importance of synchrotron radiation sources to current
research is emphasized. These sources have high intensity over a range of energies and
very well defined direction, so that they are well suited to AR-studies; such studies form
a substantial part of the wide-ranging programs at synchrotron facilities such as the
Advanced Light Source (ALS) in the USA, the Daresbury Synchrotron Radiation
Source (SRS) in the UK, HASYLAB or BESSY in Germany, the ESRF in France or
the SPring 8 in Japan, to name only a few. Much useful information on these and other
programs can be obtained directly via the internet, as indicated in Appendix D.
Until one has visited one of these installations, it is difficult to grasp the scale and
complexity of the operation. Although the end product research overlaps strongly with
that coming out of small scale laboratories, the tradition derives more from large
budget particle physics, with the consequent need for substantial long range planning
and technical backup. By the time one gets to the individual researcher/user, who is
typically based at a university or industrial laboratory located some distance away, and
who has a limited amount of ‘beam time’ allotted on a particular ‘station’, one is into
social structures in addition to science. Safety training, where to (and how much) sleep,
group organization and continuity are all extremely important factors influencing
whether good work is produced. Stress is important as a spur to achievement in science,
but sometimes it can get out of hand. As one who has never actually worked in such a
facility, I can imagine that it takes a bit of getting used to, and strategies for effective
working need to be thought about explicitly. Nonetheless, the upside is that all this won-
derful equipment, and expert help, is available to help you produce the results you need!
There have been several attempts to develop display analyzers, where the angular
information is displayed in parallel at a given energy, which is swept serially (or vice
versa). All these analyzers are technically demanding attempts to utilize the beam time
and low counting rate efficiently, and have typically been constructed for a synchrotron
environment (Eastman et al. 1980, Leckey et al. 1990, Daimon 1988, Daimon et al.
1995). This last spectrometer is shown in figure 3.9(d), indicating that several finely
fashioned grids are required to keep the fields in the different regions of the spectrom-
eter isolated from each other. Designing a usable wide angle, gridless analyzer design
remains quite challenging (e.g. Huang et al. 1993), but there are always some projects
80 3 Electron-based techniques