TEM, REM, LEEM, PEEM, SEM, STEM, STM, AFM, SNOM. We also have two
techniques (EELS, CBED) indicated on figure 3.1, which have not yet been defined.
Now is a good time to check you know what these acronyms stand for, since we will be
adding more to the list as we start to study individual techniques in more detail. In the
following sections, we emphasize a common case, where electrons are both the probe
and the detected (response) particle.
3.2 Diffraction and quasi-elastic scattering techniques
3.2.1 LEED
The common electron-based diffraction techniques are LEED and RHEED. As with
all surface diffraction techniques, the analysis is based in terms of the surface recipro-
cal lattice. An important aspect of diffraction from 2D structures is that the compo-
nent of the wave vector k, parallel to the surface k
is conserved to within a surface
reciprocal lattice vector G
, whereas the perpendicular component k
is not. This leads
to the idea of reciprocal lattice rods; they express the fact that k
can have any value,
so that diffraction can take place at any angle of incidence. However, the intensity of
diffraction is typically not constant at all values of k
, but is modulated in ways which
reflect the partial 3D character of the diffraction (Lüth 1993/5 section 4.2, Woodruff
& Delchar 1986 section 2.3).
The equipment for both diffraction techniques is simple, involving a fluorescent
screen, with energy filtering in addition in the case of LEED, as indicated in figure 3.3,
to remove inelastically scattered electrons. There are three types of LEED apparatus
in regular use. The normal-view arrangement has the LEED gun and screen mounted
on a UHV flange, typically 8 inches (200mm) across, and the pattern is viewed past the
sample, which therefore has to be reasonably small, or it will obscure the view. Most
new systems are of the reverse-view type, where the gun has been miniaturized, and the
pattern is viewed through a transmission screen and a viewport. This enables larger
sample holders to be used, which helps for such operations as heating, cooling, strain-
ing, etc. The third, and potentially most powerful, technique is where, in addition to
viewing the screen, the LEED beams can be scanned over a fine detector using electro-
static deflectors and focusing, in order to examine the spot profiles, which can be sen-
sitive to surface steps and other forms of disorder at surfaces. This technique, which
has been perfected by the Hannover group (Henzler 1977, 1997, Scheithauer et al.
1986, Wollschläger 1995), is now known as SPA-LEED, emphasizing the capability for
spot profile analysis.
There are two aspects to electron diffraction techniques. The first, and simplest, is
that the positions of the spots give the symmetry and size of the unit mesh, i.e. the
surface unit cell. The common use of electron diffraction is primarily, often solely, in
this sense. The second effect is that the positions of atoms in the mesh is not determined
by this qualitative pattern (see discussion in section 1.4), but requires a quantitative
analysis of LEED intensities. Application of dynamic theory has so far ‘solved’ several
70 3 Electron-based techniques