E.4 Protein-based Machines as Physical Embodiments of the "Vital Force" That Sustains Life
ATP binding naturally results from the
hydrophobically asymmetric rotor.
Prediction 5: There is a positive cooperativity
of increased ATP occupancy of catalytic sites
with rate of hydrolysis (rotation). Positive
cooperativity of ATP occupancy with hydro-
lytic rate has the same basis as the role of the
three a-ATPs of Prediction 3. As more sites
become occupied by the very polar ATP mol-
ecule, progressively less viscoelastic drag
occurs between rotor and housing. Less drag
allows a faster rotation of the rotor on which
the rate of hydrolysis depends.
Prediction 6: Increase in distance between rotor
and housing due to AGap repulsion acting
through water between the most hydrophobic
side of the rotor and the ADP-SO4 analogue
of the most polar state. Menz et
the particularly interesting crystal structure
with all sites occupied by nucleotide, as
shown in Figure E.2. In the left side of part
Figure E.2B, a distortion in the arrangement
of ligands (nucleotides) is discernible. The pE-
ADP-S04^~ site in chain E is displaced from
the ttTP-ADP site in chain B and at a greater
distance from the y-rotor. By superposition,
Menz et al.^^ in Figure E.3 better represent
the displacement of housing from y-rotor that
occurs on replacing the empty subunit
the structure of Figures 8.30 through 8.34
with the ADP-S04^" analogue of the most
polar ADP-PO4 state. The crystal structure
containing the ADP-S04^~ analogue was used
in Figures 8.35,8.36,8.40, and
The super-
position of Figure E.3 clearly shows the
double-stranded a-heUcal coiled coil portion
of the y-rotor and the pE-subunit to be
repulsed from each other on occupancy of
the pE-subunit by the very polar ADP-S04^~
analogue. Again, we see AGap in action.
Menz et al.^^ describe their findings: "the
coiled coil region has moved significantly ...
resulting in an overall rmsd of 2.9A in a-
carbon positions for the entire y subunit.
The two conformations of the y-subunit are
related by a rotation that varies in magnitude
along the length of the C-terminal helix,
ranging from less than 1° for the final
residues (y259-272) to a maximum of about
20° for residues y234-244 (which form the
coiled coil with y20-10)." In their figure
legend, Menz et al.^^ state: "Note that inter-
acting residues in the PE-subunit and the y-
subunit move in opposite directions." This is
exactly as expected for the occurrence of
an apolar-polar repulsion, a AGap, acting
through water between the most hydrophobic
side of the rotor and the ADP-SO4 analogue
of the most polar state that constitutes Pre-
diction 6.
There is also the expectation that the polar
sulfate would tip the competition for hydra-
tion between apolar and polar groups toward
polar groups. Charged groups, previously
driven to ion pair and to hydrogen bond due
to lack of hydration, as shown in Figure 8.39,
assisted by the highly charged ADP-S04^"
occupancy state now access more hydration
and no longer require these associations, as
shown in Figure 8.40. Figure E.4 illustrates
with straight Hues the arc of apolar-polar
repulsion emanating from the sulfate mole-
cule to the hydrophobic side of the y-rotor.
The repulsion due to the emergent charged
residues, for example, D315, D352, D349,
D386, and R337 in chain E and E399
in chain A, supplement the repulsion due to
subunit, as indicated by
the finer straight lines. All charged species
compete for hydration with the hydrophobic
side of the y-rotor. The series of straight inter-
connecting lines represents the lines of force
due to AGap causing the
and y subunits to
move in opposite directions in Figure E.4.
Prediction 7: A repulsive force acting through
"waters of Thales" to store energy in elastic
deformation provides the opportunity for
high efficiencies of energy conversion by Fj-
ATPase. The movement in opposite direc-
tions observed in Figure E.4 of the pE-subunit
from the y-rotor on occupancy of the pE-
subunit by ADP-S04^" constitutes an elastic
deformation. The elastic deformation results
from AGap-based repulsive forces acting
through water, that is, through the "waters
of Thales." Under such circumstances as the
ATPase the deforming forces relax efficiently
into rotational motion of the rotor.
If the application of force for rotation were
instead to occur above the aqueous chamber