Mechanics of Elastin
observed in a single chain. No longer can the
change from a Gaussian distribution of end-to-
end chain lengths within a random chain
network be insisted upon as the structural rep-
resentation of entropic elasticity. The ideal
single-chain force-extension curves require
high dilution, and a higher dilution yet is
required for more hydrophobic protein-based
polymers where the tendency for aggregation is
greater. This and additional data tell us that
these perfectly reversible force-extension
curves are due to single-chains. A single chain
does not constitute a random chain network;
and a single chain with ends fixed in space does
not comprise a Gaussian distribution of end-to-
end chain lengths. It seems that this eliminates
the basic tenets of the random chain network
theory of entropic elasticity as regards these
elastic protein-based polymers. Furthermore,
random chains do not exhibit mechanical reso-
nances, e.g., intense localized Debye-type relax-
ations as observed in the dielectric relaxation
spectra near
MHz and
kHz, and intense
localized absorption maxima as observed in
the acoustic absorption and loss permittivity
spectra. These points constitute only the more
apparent elements of the argument.
In addition, on the basis of the elementary
statistical mechanical analysis given above, it
would seem that the source of entropic elastic-
ity must come from a decrease in internal chain
dynamics upon extension.
Reduction of Mean Solvent-Entropy
Change Increases Rather Than Decreases
Entropic Elastic Force
Formation of hydrophobic hydration is ex-
othermic (Butler, 1937). Accordingly, when the
temperature of the dissolved protein with its
hydrophobic hydration is raised from below to
above the inverse temperature transition, an
endothermic transition due to the conversion of
hydrophobic hydration to bulk water occurs.
The transition from hydrophobic hydration to
bulk water represents a positive change in
entropy. By finding a suitable solvent that
allows the transition but reduces the heat of
the transition to near zero, it becomes possible
to determine whether a decrease in elastic
force occurs due to the loss of the contribution
of the negative solvent-entropy change to
the entropic elastic force. In other words, if a
decrease in solvent entropy occurs as bulk
water becomes ordered (in the form of hydro-
phobic hydration) by exposure of hydrophobic
groups during extension, then the extent to
which this contributes to entropic elastic force
could be measured as a decrease in entropic
elastic force.
In our experimental approach (based on
Hoeve and Flory (1958)) ethylene glycol was
added to suppress the solvent interaction with
the protein. In particular, as shown in the
ferential calorimetry data of Figure 6A increas-
ing the amount of ethylene glycol decreases the
heat and lowers the temperature of the transi-
tion. By 30% ethylene glycol in water the heat
of the transition is minimal. The entropy change
attending the transition is calculated by divid-
ing an increment of heat released over the tem-
perature of the increment and summing over all
increments of the transition. Accordingly, the
decrease in heat of the transition seen in Figure
6A would be expected to result in a decrease
in the entropic elastic force due to a decrease
in the magnitude of the negative entropy of
hydration on extension. In fact, as seen in
Figure 6B, the entropic elastic force reached is
greater in 30% ethyleneglycol-70% water.
The thermoelasticity studies on y-irradiation-
cross-linked poly(GVGVP) of Figure 6B are
carried out by stretching the elastomer to a fixed
extension of 50% at 37°C. Then held at that
fixed length, the temperature is re-equilibrated
below that of the onset for the inverse tempera-
ture transition, and the temperature is very
slowly raised to 55°C. As regards the contribu-
tion of solvent entropy change to entropic
elastic force, it is expected that the force
reached would be less for the ethylene glycol
containing solution by a fraction indicative of
the contribution of solvent entropy change to
the elastic force. The observation that the force
actually increased, rather than decreased does
not favor the solvent entropy mechanism.
As shown in Equation (4), the value
given by -T(d\n[f/T]/dT)v,L,n' Using the temper-
ature range from 45 to 55°C, the f^f ratio is
found to be no more than 0.1. Based on this