594 Mechanics of Elastin
obtained on extension (as seen in the lower
curve of Figure 5B); then the material is said
to exhibit a hysteresis. In this case the energy
recovered on relaxation is less than that
expended on extension. The input deformation
energy has been dissipated in some way and
to an extent indicated by the difference in the
areas below the extension and relaxation
When energy conversion occurs by means of
an ideal elastic material, it is possible for the
energy conversion to occur at high efficiency,
whereas when energy conversion occurs using
an elastic material that exhibits hysteresis,
the efficiency of energy conversion becomes
limited at least to an extent determined by
the magnitude of the hysteresis. The elasticity
of polymeric materials becomes inextricably
intertwined with the efficiency of energy
conversion. Thus, the increase in elastic force
during the isometric contraction and relaxation
of Figure 9B would be exactly reversible for an
ideal elastomer as would the isotonic contrac-
tion of Figure 9A. This would not be the case
for a molecular machine comprised of the
elastic polymer functioning in Figure 5B.
An important element, therefore, of an ideal
elastomer is to have the energy uptake into the
elastomer during extension reside entirely in
the backbone modes where it can be recovered
on relaxation. Should energy of deformation
find its way into side-chain motional modes and
into chains not bearing the deformation and
irreversibly into solvent, this deformation
energy becomes dissipated and unavailable
during relaxation, resulting in hysteresis. Com-
parison of the single-chain force-extension
curves of Figure 5 for poly(GVGVP) with
poly(GVGIP) provides an example with pro-
posed loss of energy into the side chain motions
and interactions of the bulkier isoleucine (I)
residue with its added CH2 moiety into adjacent
non-load-bearing chains.
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acknowledge the support of the Office of
Naval Research under contracts, N00014-00-C-
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rylation study and L. Hayes for assistance
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