8. Consilient Mechanisms for Protein-based Machines of Biology
mine if indeed muscle contraction may be
explained in terms of the consilient mechanism
of hydrophobic association under the control of
a competition for hydration between polar (e.g.,
charged) and apolar (hydrophobic) groups. In
this case the common functional groups capable
of existing in different degrees of polarity
would be ADP^- Mg^^ HPOl"; ATP""- Mg'^;
ADP^- Mg'n -COO"; -COO" Me^; and
-COOH, listed in approximate decreasing
order of polarity.
8.5.3 Consideration of Muscle
Contraction at the Molecular Level
8,5,3,1 Approach to the Molecular Level
In the context of relevance of the consilient
mechanism to function of the myosin II motor,
remarkable points are the location and orien-
tation of ATP molecules bound to the cross-
bridge and access to control hydrophobic
associations/dissociations. As considered below
in section, narrow clefts function as
conduit through which forces arising from the
polar phosphates are directed at a target site.
In this section on the myosin II motor, coher-
ence of phenomena with that of the consilient
mechanisms of energy conversion is addressed
at the molecular level. Specifically, the impor-
tance of hydrophobic interactions is noted, as
has been generally appreciated. More to the
point, the presence of the apolar-polar repulsive
free energy of hydration appears as a prominent
factor in the contraction/relaxation cycle, and
this has not been previously appreciated.
We begin with a brief orientation to the
gross structural aspects of striated muscle and
quickly move to the microscopic level where
thick myosin and thin actin filaments are driven
into greater overlap with each other during the
cyclic process of myosin cross-bridge attach-
ment to actin, contraction, and detachment
from actin. Then, in a key surfacing of the con-
silient mechanism, we consider the molecular
detail of ATP orientation in its binding site
within the cross-bridge in relation to the
means whereby ATP binding would bring
about detachment of the cross-bridge from the
actin binding site. Next, we consider geometric
relationships of hydrophobic associations and
dissociations relative to ATP binding, hydroly-
sis to form the most polar state of bound ADP
plus Pi, phosphate release, and finally ADP
release. An effort is made to integrate the role
of the calcium ion trigger for muscle contrac-
tion in relation to changing hydrophobic asso-
ciations attending the contraction/relaxation
cycle. Finally, we consider the thermodynamic
efficiency of the myosin II motor in relation to
the development of elastic forces during con-
traction/relaxation and note the substantial
energy requirement of the essential calcium ion
trigger in the contraction/relaxation cycle. Structure of Striated Muscle and
the Sliding Filament Mechanism of
Muscle Contraction
A striated muscle, such as the biceps, is com-
prised of bundles of muscle fibers. The funda-
mental unit of a muscle fiber is the myofibril
composed of a series of repeating units called
sarcomeres defined by the periodicity of Z fines
(disks) at repeat distances of just over 2|im
(e.g., 2.3|Lim). The structural relationships pro-
ceeding from the anatomical level of the biceps
to the microscopic level of the sarcomere are
shown in Figures 8.43,^^ 8.44,^^ and 8.45.^^
FIGURE 8.44. Drawing of a muscle fiber containing
six myofibrils with each surrounded by the sar-
coplasmic reticulum that releases calcium ion to
trigger contraction and that pumps calcium ion back
out to allow for the relaxation in preparation for the
next contraction/relaxation
Just inside the sar-
colemma of the muscle fiber that surrounds the
bundles of myofibrils are the mitochondria that
supply the ATP required to convert the fiber from a
contracted state to a relaxed but energized state in
wait for the next release of calcium ion for trigger-
ing phosphate release for onset of the next contrac-
tion/relaxation cycle. Also shown is the location of
the Z disk that separates sarcomeres (the funda-
mental unit of muscle contraction) and the arrange-
ment of the A and I bands that are defined in detail
in Figure
of Biochemistry,
D Voet, J. Voet & C.W. Pratt,'' Copyright © 1999,
John Wiley & Sons, New York. Copyright © 1999,
John Wiley & Sons, New York. Reprinted with per-
mission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)