viii Preface
core wind speeds in jet streams can exceed one third of the most prob-
able velocity of air molecules, a breach of the conditions under which
standard derivations of the Navier–Stokes equation are made. Note that
in saying this I do not intend to imply that continuum fluid mechanics
needs major reformulation in the context of the meteorological simulation
of the large-scale flow by numerical process on computers for weather fore-
casting; the enterprise is too demonstrably successful for that to be the
case. Indeed, some understanding of the success of this operation emerges
naturally from analysing high-resolution observations in a statistical mul-
tifractal framework. However, for representing the smaller scales, and for
accurate accounting of the detailed energy distribution in the atmosphere,
required for climate prediction, turbulence must be properly understood
and formulated. It is my contention that it will not be achieved without
explicit recognition of the fact that fluid mechanical behaviour emerges
spontaneously in the molecular dynamics simulation of a population of
Maxwellian molecules subject to an anisotropy (Alder and Wainwright
1970): turbulence has molecular roots.
A word of justification is necessary for the heavy emphasis on aircraft
data in this book, and on the use of dropsondes deployed from aircraft in
approaching the vertical behaviour of atmospheric scaling. These sorts of
observations reached, in the late 1980s, a level of accuracy, response, sensi-
tivity, and continuity over a large enough range of scales that fairly reliable
calculation of probability distributions and the moments involved in statis-
tical multifractal analysis, especially of the rather robust H exponent, was
possible. In a smaller number of cases, the scaling exponents characteriz-
ing the intermittency and the Lévy distribution also could be calculated.
It is still true, however, that there is only a very small number of platforms
which have produced observations of the requisite quality. We can look
forward to the time when satellite data can sustain such analysis, when
numerical models of the atmosphere can simulate it, and when unmanned,
autonomous aircraft can circle the globe to extend it. We are not there yet,
however, and in the meantime the reader’s indulgence must be sought if this
book seems a little like an account of the ER-2’s history of deployments for
stratospheric ozone research. The fact is that the platform-instrument com-
bination achieved a level of performance in acquiring in situ data that has
not yet been matched in our context, even though it was far from perfect.
I defend what has been done because the implications may be far-reaching,
both conceptually and practically.
In my experience, few meteorologists have much deep acquaintance
with molecules and their behaviour, while at the same time most physical
chemists have limited appreciation of continuum fluid mechanics, partic-
ularly in its unique and complicated atmospheric form. The two meet in
the persons of those who seek to include chemistry in global atmospheric
computer models, but often in such a way that the scales important to our
argument here are missing. While it is almost a cliché to say that chemistry,