62 Generalized Scale Invariance
or dropsonde through the atmosphere is one-dimensional, making applica-
tion of the intersection theorem simple: the codimension of the intersection
of two fractal sets is the sum of the codimensions. In reality, as explained
earlier, aircraft trajectories are fractal (Lovejoy et al. 2004); work has been
done recently examining the trajectories of dropsondes, see Lovejoy et al.
(2007a, b) and Hovde et al. (2007a). While the Hurst exponent, H
robust in the sense of being tolerant of data gaps, this is not true of the
intermittency, C
, and the Lévy exponent, α. The data sets for C
and for
α are more restricted, being limited to a subset of wind speed, temperature
and ozone data for the polar vortices from ER-2 flights. Nevertheless, a first
idea can be obtained of the parts of exponent space which are populated in
the (H
, C
), (H
, α), and (C
, α) planes.
4.3 Polar lower stratosphere: H
, C
, and α
A generalized scale invariance analysis for all three exponents was possi-
ble for wind, temperature, and ozone for ER-2 great circle flight segments
flown in the Arctic lower stratosphere during the POLARIS mission April–
September 1997 and the SOLVE mission January–March 2000, with the
ozone analysis also being possible for the ER-2 flights during the AAOE mis-
sion over west Antarctica in August–September 1987 and the AASE mission
over the Arctic in January–February 1989 (Tuck et al. 2002, 2005). The
algorithm for calculating the exponents shows that the three are closely
related. For wind speed, H
≈ 5/9 implies that the dimensionality of atmo-
spheric motion is 23/9, neither 2D (H
→ 0) nor 3D (H
→ 1). For a
passive scalar, H
→ 0 implies complete decorrelation and H
→ 1 implies
complete correlation; the observations of nitrous oxide agree with theory
that H
≈ 5/9.
The intermittency C
, a measure of the degree to which activity in a
turbulent fluid is sporadic, is intimately associated with the long tails on
probability distributions in which infrequent, high amplitude events make
a significant contribution to the mean. When C
→ 0 the fluid approaches
homogeneity, when C
→ 1 the energy concentrates in single structures.
Whereas C
characterizes the sparseness of the mean of the field, α charac-
terizes the distribution of the remaining values. For a Gaussian distribution,
α → 2 (α
= 2); for 1 <α<2 (2 <α
< ∞) the PDF is strongly asym-
metric. It is particularly demanding on both quality and quantity of data to
determine α accurately, as we have noted earlier.
Figure 4.18 shows results for wind speed, showing 0.37 <H
(s) < 0.58,
0.025 <C
(s) < 0.042 and 1.2 <α(s)<1.7, with mean values 0.53,
0.036, and 1.43 respectively. These values are a considerable departure
from Gaussianity in the inner Arctic vortex (s < 30 ms
); a wind speed