Introduction 7
temperature, humidity, and many chemical species by remote sounding
from orbit, it is reasonable to ask why it is necessary to be so selective.
The basic reason is that once scale invariance had been observed to be a
property of atmospheric variables, requirements emerged as regards noise
levels, continuity, range, scale, and platform characteristics which were
too restrictive to be met by the majority of observations. For example, air
observations at a fixed point on the surface have no spatial range and are
mainly made at hourly, semidiurnal, or diurnal frequencies; the sensors on
ascending radiosonde balloons are in the turbulent wake of the balloon;
satellite instruments do not yet simultaneously have the vertical and hor-
izontal resolution to provide useable statistics on the smaller scales. The
wind field is particularly demanding to observe remotely. These limitations
could change in the future, but the requirement to resolve at least three
decades in spatial scale makes it difficult to achieve from a satellite moving
at about 7 km s
. Satellites and long-range autonomous aircraft are the
only means to extend the analysis of scale invariance to the global scale. To
extend it to small scales, a few metres, is currently possible from aircraft
and dropsondes, but it will be challenging to design instruments capable
of fast enough time response at good enough signal-to-noise to span the
gap from metres to the tens of nanometres required to examine fluctuations
induced by molecular motion responding to anisotropies. The absence of
data gaps is essential if the intermittency and Lévy exponents, which char-
acterize the multifractality of the observations, are to be calculated, an
important limitation for many data sources. These exponents are defined
later, in Chapter 4. The indications from the research aircraft observa-
tions are, however, that the problem will need to be tackled for a complete
description of atmospheric motion to be achieved. Just as they have in treat-
ing the large scales by continuum fluid mechanics, computer simulations of
populations of air molecules could play an important role at these smallest
The natural platforms for observing the turbulent structure of atmo-
spheric variables are thus aircraft in the ‘horizontal’ and balloons in the
‘vertical’. The turbulent structures of wind, temperature, and pressure
themselves affect the motion of the platforms in air, preventing true motion
confined to one or even two coordinates. Nevertheless, allowance can
be made for such effects and the structure observed over five orders of
magnitude in horizontal length scale and three orders of magnitude in ver-
tical length scale, by in situ instruments along essentially (1 + H), ≈ 14/
9-dimensional aeroplane paths through the air (Lovejoy et al. 2004).
Remote sounding, actively by lidars and passively by radiometers, has begun
to be investigated. Sparling (2000) largely used satellite radiometric data to
show that the probability distributions of atmospheric observations were
not Gaussian. As data quality and resolution improve, such techniques
could prove to be very fruitful, enabling in principle the application of