Generalized Scale Invariance 43
noise sources such as cosmic ray impacts on detectors, plasma instabilities
in light sources, or telemetry errors in the case of dropsondes. There are
many more suitable flight segments that can sustain analysis for H
there are for the intermittency and for the Lévy exponent, both of which are
sensitive to a few errors because they pertain more to the infrequent, rela-
tively high amplitude events constituting the long tail of the PDFs. The same
is true of the different variables—the instrumentation for wind, tempera-
ture, and pressure has been long established, while some of the chemical
instruments measure molecules which are present at extremely low mixing
ratios and do not have the data continuity and signal-to-noise that would
enable a full generalized scale invariance analysis. Nevertheless, with a few
rare exceptions, it is apparent that atmospheric variability dominates over
instrumental noise. This is evident in the PDFs, which only show Gaussian
or Poisson distributions at the very short scales where random instrumental
noise dominates; indeed, the log-log plots forming the variograms are excel-
lent, direct diagnostics of this situation. When it occurs, the slope flattens
at the smallest scales, so H
→ 0.
We first examine composite variograms from ‘horizontal’ flight legs of
four different aircraft: the ER-2, which is entirely lower stratospheric; the
WB57F at low latitudes (between 5
N and 33
N), which is upper tropo-
spheric and lower stratospheric; the DC-8 at high southern latitudes, which
is largely upper tropospheric; and the G4, which is largely upper tropo-
spheric over the eastern Pacific Ocean from 10
N. Composite
variograms are a way of using all the data to obtain a representative or
canonical scaling exponent H
with very low error bars. A variogram is a
means of describing positional relationships between two points in a data
set; it is possible to have two time series, for example, with nearly identi-
cal single-point statistics such as means, standard deviations and medians
yet which have differing ‘textures’ or ‘roughnesses’. The two-point statistic
is plotted in log-log form for all possible separation distances between all
possible pairs of points. We shall refer to the first moment version of such
a plot, like Figures 2.6 and 2.7, as a variogram, a usage encompassed by
the wider definitions of the word to be found in the literature; note, how-
ever, that a variogram is often given a narrower definition in which the
average (half) squared separation between the measured values at different
locations is used. Such a narrow definition is associated with traditional
Gaussian assumptions, second moments, variances, power spectra, and
the like. Our approach, as defined in Equation (4.8) with q = 1, follows
the wider definition. The ER-2 data are shown in Figure 4.2, the WB57F
data are shown in Figure 4.3, the DC-8 data in Figure 4.4, and the G4
data in Figure 4.5. Both wind speed and temperature show values of H
close to the theoretical value of 5/9. We note that unlike wind speed and
temperature, nitrous oxide, a passive scalar (tracer) at about 300 ppbv
mixing ratio, can have no effect on the motion of the aeroplane. The lower